Argyll and Bute Council Maintenance update
Verbal update by Ailsa Cunningham, Technical Officer
There was no officer present from Roads and Amenity Services. In their absence the Chair commented that she was unaware of any recent maintenance works conducted although had concerns about more erosion and the number and depth of potholes which she would raise directly with Roads and Amenity Services.
The Group agreed that to facilitate future attendance of an officer they would move this item to the start of the agenda, with the option to depart the meeting after the update had been provided. They also commented that where no officer was able to attend in future a written update would be much appreciated.
7 Argyll and Bute Council Maintenance update PDF 66 KB
Report by Amenity Performance Manager
The Committee discussed the terms of report by the Amenity Performance Manager in his absence, noting the remaining budget for maintenance.
It was agreed to record the concerns of FODW regarding Japanese Knotweed encroaching on the car park and ask that this be treated by the Amenity Performance Manager and also to invite the Amenity Performance Manager and contractors to discuss works at Strathclyde Court with FODW prior to any decisions being made.
(Ref: Report by Amenity Performance Manager dated 22nd May 2018, submitted)
Argyll and Bute Council Maintenance update
Report by Amenity Performance Manager
The Technical Officer for Amenity Services advised that Stuart McCracken, Amenity Performance Manager is currently absent so therefore had no update for this item. She agreed to liaise with Mr McCracken when he is back in the office and provide a full update to the next meeting.
Argyll and Bute Council Maintenance update
Report by Amenity Performance Manager
The Committee gave consideration to a verbal report from the Amenity Performance Manager.
The following was noted:-
General maintenance of knotweed, litter bins etc. was up to date
Work would be carried out on Rhu Road Higher over the Winter
A plan of work has been agreed with the residents for work on the Strathclyde Court trees and this will be carried out in early 2018
Work has been carried out on the Victorian Bridge area, with a temporary cover now in place to stop traffic from going over the edge
The Committee agreed to note the contents of the update.
(Reference: Verbal report by Amenity Performance Manager dated 22 February 2017, tabled).
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Report by Amenity Performance Manager
The Committee gave consideration to a report from the Amenity Performance Manager.
The Technical Officer provided an update on the work which is planned and ongoing in the Wood.
Discussion took place on the repairs at the Victorian Bridge. It was noted that the bridge had now been made safe and that the metal gate would be moved to the other side of the bridge to prevent unauthorised vehicle access. Work had also been undertaken to remove debris from the burn.
The Committee agreed:-
1. to note the report;
2. that Stuart McCracken would be asked to provide further information on the work at Strathclyde Court Garages, and
3. that a site meeting would be arranged with Stuart McCracken, Friends of Duchess Wood and the Strathclyde Court residents.
(Reference: Report by Amenity Performance Manager dated 22nd August 2017, tabled).
Argyll and Bute Council Maintenance update
Report by Amenity Performance Manager (to follow).
The Committee gave consideration to a report from the Amenity Performance Manager.
The Committee agreed to note the report.
(Reference :Report by Amenity Performance Manager dated 22 February 2017, tabled).
Argyll and Bute Council Maintenance and Financial update
Report by Amenity Performance Manager (to follow).
There was no representative from Amenity Services and the Chair asked the Committee for any issues which she would relay to the Amenity Performance Manager.
The Committee highlighted the following:-
· Remedial work which was need at the bridge/culvert
· Issue of overhanging trees at the garages which were still to be resolved.
The Committee agreed that the Chair would review the issues which had been pointed out with the Amenity Performance Manager to determine if it was realistic for these to be progressed.
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Report by Amenity Performance Manager.
The Committee gave consideration to reports from the Amenity Performance Manager which provided information on the maintenance regime for the wood and also an update on the financial position.
Several concerns were raised which included:-
Ø The need to empty bins at Rhu Road Higher
Ø Planings to be used to fill pot holes with the car park
The Committee agreed:
1. To note the report, and
2. That the Amenity Performance Manager would review the
issues highlighted at the meeting.
(Reference: Report by the Amenity Performance Manager dated 23 August 2016, submitted).
Argyll and Bute Council Maintenance and Financial update
Report by Amenity Performance Manager (to follow).
The Committee gave consideration to reports from the Amenity
Performance Manager which provided information on the maintenance regime for
the wood and also an update on the financial position. Members noted that there had been a delay
with 2 pieces of work due to be contracted out, namely the work at the West
Highland Line and the trees overhanging the garages at Strathclyde Court. Stewart Campbell advised that the situation
at Strathclyde Court was giving cause for concern and this work needs to be a
priority. The lack of progress with
these 2 specific contracts was also reflected in the financial report which did
not account for the cost of these works.
Councillor Morton provided an update on the staffing changes in the
Amenity Team, with it being noted that Ailsa Cunningham would hopefully become
more involved with the wood.
The Committee agreed:
1. To note the report, and
2. To highlight the concerns relating to the outstanding
works to the Amenity Performance Manager.
(Reference: Report by the Amenity Performance Manager dated 13 May 2016, submitted).
Argyll and Bute Council Maintenance and Financial update
Report by Amenity Performance Manager (to follow).
The Committee gave consideration to a report from the Amenity Performance Manager.
The Committee agreed:
1. To note the report.
2. That clarification would be confirmed on when the Financial update would be received.
(Reference: Report by the Amenity Performance Manager dated 2016, submitted).
Argyll and Bute Council Maintenance and Financial update
Report by Amenity Performance Manager
The Chair explained that the Amenity Performance Manager had been unable to attend the meeting and tabled a short report providing an update on routine maintenance in the Duchess Wood.
It was highlighted that there were still tress overhanging the railway and it was pointed out that there were several other trees within the Wood which required attention.
David Lewin agreed to carry out an inspection and provide an update.
The Committee agreed:
1. To note the report.
2. That David Lewin would carry out an inspection and provide an update
(Reference: Report by the Amenity Performance Manager dated 2015, submitted).
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Report by Amenity Performance Manager
The Committee gave consideration to a report from the Amenity Performance Manager. He highlighted that the tree works on the boundary between Duchess Wood and the West Highland Railway had, as yet, still to be completed. He would liaise with the Argyll and Bute Council Procurement team to ascertain the hold up to the progression of this work.
The Committee agreed:
1. To note the report.
2. That Stewart Campbell would liaise with Stuart McCracken to determine the requirements for the material to infill the culverts in Duchess Wood.
3. Stuart McCracken will look to get planings provided for the car park surface.
(Reference: Report by the Amenity Performance Manager dated August 2015, submitted).
Routine Maintenance
Routine Maintenance
Update from Amenity Services (to follow).
The Committee heard a verbal update from the Amenity Performance Manager.
He highlighted that a rubbish collection service was still being provided and that in regards to the request for an additional bin, he hoped to look favourably upon this. However, this would be subject to other demands across Helensburgh and Lomond.
Treatment for the Japanese knotweed would commence again in May.
He clarified that he would be seeking a further quote for the tree cutting near to the garages at Strathclyde Court and would endeavour to source rock for the culvert repair in Duchess Wood.
The Committee agreed:-
1. To note the update
2. That Stewart McCracken would obtain a further quote for the proposed treeworks at Strathclyde Court and would endeavour to source rock supplies to enable repairs at the culvert within Duchess Wood.
3. That Stuart Campbell would email Stuart McCracken with the amount of rock necessary to implement remedial work at the culvert.
Routine Maintenance
8 Routine Maintenance PDF 50 KB
The Committee considered a report by the Councils Service Development Officer providing an up-to-date position in regard to the routine maintenance of Duchess Woods. Mr McCracken advised of his intention to discuss with FODW the felling of old trees which he hoped to replace with Scots Pines – a survey of the eastern boundary should take place late September. An update was given in terms of the Japanese Knotweed with it being identified that further work requires to be undertaken in particular areas such as Duchess Drive. Mr McCracken advised that these works would commence in the coming weeks, weather dependent.
The Committee noted the update.