3 Friends of Duchess Wood Report PDF 510 KB
Report by Friends of Duchess Wood
The Committee considered a report which provided an update from Friends of Duchess Wood (FODW).
Martin Grafton spoke to the report advising that the maintenance teams have been back in action after a very quiet winter.
The Committee endorsed the contents of the report and agreed that David Lewin, FODW would liaise with Ailsa Cunningham, Technical Officer, regarding the immediate issue of the diseased trees and that boundary issues would be an item for discussion at a future meeting in light of concerns that a survey may be required to assess the extent of the problem.
(Ref: Friends of Duchess Wood (FODW) by Martin Grafton, Secretary - FODW, dated 21st August 2018).
3 Friends of Duchess Wood Report PDF 68 KB
Report by Friends of Duchess Wood
The Committee considered a report which provided an update from Friends of Duchess Wood (FODW).
Stewart Campbell spoke to the report advising that it had been a quiet Winter due to laying snow but despite this some maintenance work had been completed and the Community Payback Team had undertaken the refurbishment of park benches, for which FODW recorded their thanks to Colin Ray.
In addition, Stewart spoke about bridge and decking repairs, bat detection with the Explorer Scouts on 25th June 2018, semi guided walks that were being planned and the desire to record footfall into the woods.
The Committee noted the contents of the report.
(Ref: Friends of Duchess Wood (FODW) by Martin Grafton, Secretary - FODW, dated 8th May 2018).
3 Friends of Duchess Wood Report PDF 191 KB
Report by Friends of Duchess Wood
The Committee considered a report which provided an update and outlined the recent work undertaken by Friends of Duchess Wood (FODW).
Stewart Campbell advised the Friends of Duchess Woods have applied to the Supporting Communities Fund for a grant. He also advised that they have a good working relationship with the Community Payback team who have been refurbishing benches.
The Committee noted the contents of the report.
(Ref: Friends of Duchess Wood (FODW) by Stewart Campbell, Chair FODW, dated 20th February 2018).
Friends of Duchess Wood Report
Report by Friends of Duchess Wood
The Committee considered a report which provided an update and outlined the recent work undertaken by Friends of Duchess Wood (FODW).
Discussion followed with Alastair Macbeth and David Lewin highlighting the appreciation of the FODW for the Civic Reception provided by the Provost to celebrate 10 years of the Group. It was noted that the AGM for the FODW would be held on 17th January 2018 and all were welcome to attend. David also provided the Committee with an update on the work carried out by the Community Payback teams in the Wood and welcomed the contact being re-established with the local supervisor in Helensburgh.
The Committee agreed to note and endorse the report.
(Reference: Friends of Duchess Wood (FODW) by Stewart Campbell, Chair FODW, dated February 2017).
Friends of Duchess Wood Report
Report by Friends of Duchess Wood
The Committee considered a report which provided an update and outlined the recent work undertaken by Friends of Duchess Wood (FODW).
Discussion followed with the issue of vandalism at the bridge being highlighted. Stewart Campbell advised that works to repair the bridge had now been completed. Robert Mackenzie had replaced the culvert which now provided a better crossing which is also suitable for vehicle use. The road scrapings from the Strathclyde Court refurbishment were used as fill for the bridge.
The proposed housing development by Persimmon Homes was also highlighted, with it being noted that there were some concerns over the provision of a wildlife corridor and in particular the depth of the corridor.
Stewart Campbell advised that this would be the last meeting which Alastair Macbeth would be in attendance as he was standing down as Secretary to the Friends of Duchess Wood. It was noted that Martin Grafton would be taking over as Secretary on 1st October 2017. Stewart also advised that David Lewyn would be taking over as interim Chair for a period of 3 months.
The Committee agreed:-
The Chair, on behalf of the Committee, paid tribute to Alastair Macbeth and thanked him for his dedication to the Friends of Duchess Wood and the Local Nature Reserve Committee and wished him well for the future.
(Reference: Friends of Duchess Wood (FODW) by Stewart Campbell, Chair FODW, dated February 2017).
Friends of Duchess Wood Reports
Reports by Friends of Duchess Wood (to follow).
It was highlighted that FODW were engaged in discussion
with Alison Rutherford, a botanist specialist who had advocated the use of
Scottish wild flower seeds for planting. The Chair advised that she had spoken with the Provost
highlighting that FODW were planning to mark the 10th
anniversary of their inaugural meeting. The Provost had agreed in principle to provide support; however,
formal approval of funding Decision The Committee agreed:- 1. To
note the report; and 2. That
an on-site meeting would be arranged between Argyll and Bute Council
engineers, representative from Luss Estates and maintenance 3. That
a report which outlined the long-term remedial action for the bridge would come to the May meeting of the Duchess
Wood Committee. 4. That
Theresa McLetchie would forward on an application for the Provost Fund to Stewart Campbell. |
(Reference: Friends of Duchess Wood (FODW) by Stewart
Campbell, Chair FODW, dated February 2017). |
4 Friends of Duchess Wood Reports PDF 331 KB
Reports by Friends of Duchess Wood.
The Committee considered a report which provided an update and outlined the recent work undertaken by Friends of Duchess Wood (FODW). Discussion followed and Alastair Macbeth tabled the Annual Financial report. In addition, Stewart Campbell drew attention to several other issues which included:- · Erection of a willow fence at the Ponds · Damage to the culvert and the need for the investigation of the cost of remedial work Johanna Urquhart advised the Committee of the recent appointment of Keith Robertson, the new Facilities and Estates Manager at Lomond School. Decision The Committee agreed to note and endorse the actions which were noted within the report. |
(Reference: Friends of Duchess Wood by Stewart Campbell, Chair Friends of Duchess Wood dated November 2016, submitted).
Friends of Duchess Wood Reports
Reports by Friends of Duchess Wood (to follow).
The Committee considered a report which had been tabled at
the meeting and provided an update on recent work undertaken by Friends of
Duchess Wood (FODW). This work has included the placement of QR codes at the
entrance to the Wood which link directly to the FODW website, and ongoing
Rhododendron and Sycamore clearance. Stewart Campbell, Chair of Friends of Duchess Wood advised the Committee of the recent death of Alastair Macbeth’s wife. The Committee offered their condolences to Alastair at this sad news. Discussion followed regarding the issue of ‘wild camping’ and the Committee agreed there was a need to monitor this in Duchess Wood. Decision The Committee noted the report. |
(Reference: Community Engagement Report and FODW Newsletter by Stewart Campbell, Chair Friends of Duchess Wood dated August 2016, submitted).
4 Friends of Duchess Wood Reports PDF 206 KB
Reports by Friends of Duchess Wood.
Additional documents:
The Committee considered a report which outlined the work
undertaken by Friends of Duchess Wood (FODW) and the most recent Members’ newsletter. Stewart Campbell highlighted the content of the new
leaflets, which were:- Membership leaflet Top 10 things to do in the Duchess Wood Spring Wild Flower Walk Discussion took place on the availability of the leaflets
to the public, with it being noted that the leaflets would be available in
the wood, circulated to the community via FODW members, circulated at
Community Council meetings and would be placed in the local library. Johanna Urquhart advised that she would be
happy to circulate leaflets via Junior School pupils. Stewart Campbell advised that there had been a recent
information weekend at which the Friends had conducted a visitor count. It was noted that there were almost 500
visitors to the wood over the weekend of which 100 were children. Stewart advised that it was the intention
to repeat the census on a periodic basis.
He also provided information on the successful Bug life event which
had seen the identification of burrowing bees which had never been seen
before in the wood. Finally, information was provided on the recent member’s
newsletter. It was noted that a
request for assistance had been included in the newsletter, and as a result
of this and the information weekend there had been help offered by someone
who can help with simplifying the website and someone to help with the camera
trap. Decision The Committee noted the reports. |
(Reference: Community Engagement
Report and FODW Newsletter by Stewart Campbell, Chair Friends of Duchess Wood dated
12 May 2016, submitted).
5 Friends of Duchess Wood Report PDF 84 KB
Report by Friends of Duchess Wood.
The Committee considered a report which outlined the work undertaken by Friends of Duchess Wood (FODW) and the draft report that would be going to Helensburgh Community Council (HCC) for information.
The Committee agreed to note the report, the draft report
for HCC and that the new membership leaflet would be circulated when completed.
3 Friends of Duchess Wood Reports PDF 281 KB
Report by Friends of Duchess Wood.
The Committee considered a report which outlined the work undertaken by Friends of Duchess Wood (FODW).
Johanna Urquhart outlined the success of the recent Lomond School public orienteering event and that it was hoped to continue this as an annual event. She put forward the suggestion of having permanent orienteering markers in Duchess Wood, of which Lomond School would be happy to fund. This would encourage more casual use of Duchess Wood.
The Committee agreed:
1. to note the FODW report; and
2. that Johanna Urquhart would provide a short report for the Committee outlining the orienteering proposal; and
3. this would be given consideration at the February 2016 meeting
3 Friends of Duchess Wood Reports PDF 2 MB
Report by Friends of Duchess Wood.
The Committee considered a report which outlined the work undertaken by Friends of Duchess Wood (FODW).
The forthcoming Community Woodlands Association (CWA) event scheduled for 1 September was highlighted and the programme of events and booking form were tabled.
Other issues within the Wood were pointed out and these included:-
Thanks to the Amenity Services team for disposing of the remains of a dead deer;
Culvert cleaning;
The effectiveness of anti-graffiti paint which had been utilised on garage doors;
Recent damage to the bridge in the south east corner.
The Committee agreed:
1. to note the report; and
the information provided on the forthcoming CWA
event on 1 September 2015.
5 Friends of Duchess Wood Reports PDF 138 KB
Additional documents:
The Committee considered 2 reports which outlined the work undertaken by Friends of Duchess Wood (FODW). Updates were provided regarding the activities the Friends are engaged in, with copies of the Spring Wild Flower Walk distributed to members of the Committee.
The Committee agreed to note the reports.
Friends of Duchess Wood Reports
The Committee considered a report which outlined the work undertaken by Friends of Duchess Wood (FODW).
Alastair Macbeth
The Committee agreed to note the reports.
5 Friends of Duchess Wood Report PDF 29 KB
The Committee considered a report which outlined the work undertaken by Friends of Duchess Wood (FODW).
Alastair Macbeth tabled the Friends of Duchess Wood (FODW) Members Newsletter and enquired from the Committee their preference on the format in which they received (FODW) updates.
The Committee agreed
1. To note the report.
2. That both FODW reports would be included in future Agenda packs
5 Friends of Duchess Wood Report PDF 5 MB
The Committee considered a report which outlined the work undertaken by Friends of Duchess Wood (FODW), such as monthly work parties, repairs and litter control. Members were advised of the recent (annual) meetings between FODW and Scottish Fire and Rescue Service which went well.
Mr Campbell updated the Committee with regard to the planning issue and advised that the Council have now confirmed that planning permission is required. He further advised that he planned to lodge a formal application within the next month.
Mr Campbell spoke of works which are required to the road slightly north of the car park and also of the pot holes in the car park. Mr McCracken advised that he would assess the culvert area and provide feedback. Mr McCracken further advised that he would seek to obtain road plainings in order to fix the pot holes in the car park.
The Committee noted the report.