Issue - meetings

Scottish Fire and Rescue

Meeting: 10/12/2014 - Oban Lorn & the Isles Community Planning Group (Item 11)

11 Scottish Fire and Rescue




Due to the weather conditions, no one from Scottish Fire and Rescue could attend the meeting but a briefing paper was received from Martin Hill and the Senior Area Committee Assistant agreed to distribute this round members of the Community Planning Group.


Meeting: 10/09/2014 - Oban Lorn & the Isles Community Planning Group (Item 9)

Scottish Fire and Rescue




Martin Hill from Scottish Fire and Rescue confirmed they have now engaged in their Summer Strategy over the holiday period and have designed a leaflet covering fire safety advice in relation to camping, caravanning and gas safety in the one publication and they issued 2500 of these leaflets to nearby campsites.  He advised that they had a joint article in the Oban Times with Police Scotland colleagues to promote the strategy and gave out 1000 of these leaflets to festival goers attending the Tiree Music Festival.


He advised that Scottish Fire and Rescue are also working with Road Safety Scotland and Police Scotland to issue advice to members of the community and tourists to promote road safety and thanked June Graham, the Council’s Road Safety Officer who was extremely helpful in assisting with the vast amounts of road safety literature and materials which were distributed during the strategy.


He updated the Group on the Bikers Breakfast which took place in Inveraray in July.  He advised that there was over 200 participants on the day with 170 bikes there and it was a great success and attracted a large number of tourists.


He advised that Scottish Fire and Rescue are currently working on the community fire safety strategy and the upcoming Bonfire Strategy.


It was noted that Eddie Renfrew retired on Friday 29th August and Martin Hill is leaving to work in the Clydebank Station at the end of the month.


The Chair thanked Eddie for all his work and involvement in the Community Planning Group and wished Martin Hill all the best in his new post.


Meeting: 02/09/2014 - Bute and Cowal Community Planning Group (Item 10)

Scottish Fire and Rescue




Unfortunately there was no one present from Scottish Fire and Rescue so therefore this item was deferred to the December meeting.


The Area Governance Manager confirmed that Eddie Renfrew has recently retired and that Scottish Fire and Recue would hopefully have someone in post by the December meeting.


Meeting: 11/06/2014 - Oban Lorn & the Isles Community Planning Group (Item 9)

Scottish Fire and Rescue



Eddie Renfrew from Scottish Fire and Rescue advised the Group that they had met most of the targets in the Fire Plan for 2013/14.


He advised that they are considering starting “cook safety” courses in sheltered housing complexes as there are a number of false alarms.


He advised that there is an actors group called “Home Sweet Home” that could deliver Community safety based plays in the area. There is a cost of approximately £600 for which funding may be available.


The Group noted the information provided and agreed that further enquiry should be made into the possibility of inviting ‘Home Sweet Home’ to this area.


Meeting: 03/06/2014 - Bute and Cowal Community Planning Group (Item 11)

Scottish Fire and Rescue



Eddie Renfrew from Scottish Fire and Rescue advised the Group that the Fire Plan for 2013/14 met most of its targets.


He updated the Group on the 10 dwelling house fires they have had recently, with 2 being in Rothesay and 8 in Dunoon since January.  He advised his aim is to try and engage with other partners to help prevent this from happening in the future.


He advised that they are looking into starting cook safety courses and will be carry these courses out in sheltered housing complexes.


He advised that there is an actors group set up called “Home Sweet Home” that could deliver Community safety based plays in the area if the local community want them to come.  For the exercise to be worthwhile, at least three groups per day are necessary to provide morning, matinee and evening performances. This has a cost of approximately £600, for which funding may be available.


The Group noted the information provided.
