Issue - meetings

Budget Consultation - to follow

Meeting: 15/01/2013 - Helensburgh and Lomond Community Planning Group (Item 2)

2 Argyll and Bute Council Budget Consultation 2013 -2014 pdf icon PDF 337 KB



Prior to leaving the meeting Councillor Robb made some introductory comments on the process which had been adopted in relation to the Council’s budget, and

the Group was then briefed in a Powerpoint presentation by the Head of Improvement and HR on the Argyll and Bute Budget Consultation. Jane Fowler highlighted there would be a long term approach and declining levels of funding were recognised. She informed of the increasing costs and service demands and of the £40m funding gap over 7 years. The Group was invited to feedback with their views and suggestions on how to prioritise expenditure and identity where potential savings could be made.


Various suggestions were forthcoming and the Group was advised that any further suggestios should be notified to the Council before 14th February in order that they may be considered.






Meeting: 09/01/2013 - Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group (Item 2)

Argyll and Bute Council Budget Consultation, Bruce West, Head of Strategic Finance - to follow



The Group received an informative presentation from the Executive Director of Community Services, Cleland Sneddon, on the Council’s Budget for 2013/14 advising that the Council would be taking a longer term approach to budgeting over a 7 year period.  This would be approached by a detailed one year budget followed by a 2 year summary budget followed by a 4 year high level budget.  He advised of the funding gap and previously agreed savings but advised that currently the Council was looking at prioritising its budget rather than making savings.  An overview of the budget was given, service by service.  The Group were then presented with some consultation questions and were given the opportunity to comment.




1.      Noted the comments by the Group which would be taken into account as part of the budget consultation process.


2.      Noted that copies of the presentation would be circulated to all partners for information.


(Reference: Argyll and Bute Budget Consultation presentation by Executive Director of Community Services)
