Issue - meetings

Budget Consultation

Meeting: 06/12/2011 - Bute and Cowal Area Committee (Item 5)

Budget Consultation



The Committee heard from Councillor Scoullar on the budget challenges that the public sector are facing.  He advised the purpose of the meeting was to seek views and encourage the public to get involved on which services are important and how the services should be delivered.  He continued by outlining what the Council provides to the public and how the Council savings will impact on the community.


The Head of Roads and Amenity Services gave a presentation which detailed the measures proposed by the Council to address the required £74 m savings by 2014/15 and Councillor Marshall spoke on the saving required within NHS Highland and cuts to the Third Sector.


The Public asked questions on the roads expenditure, how this is spent and how much is paid out in damages due to road defects, Argyll & Bute Hospital and the security of mental health needs, the amount of money spent on the Bute roads, highlighting the road resurfacing programme and other roads issues on the Council website and the Buteman, the sate of roads due to the Scottish Water works.  These questions were responded to by the partners as appropriate




The Committee noted the information provided and agree the public questions will be fed into the Budget Process.
