Issue - meetings


Meeting: 11/06/2014 - Mid Argyll Partnership (Item 6)




Mary Smyth  - Noted that the grass cutting by roads and amenity services was done very early this year with the unfortunate consequence the wild flowers have not had a chance to seed in Craignish.  Knotweed has also been sprayed, but not all of it, and if it is not all done then the bits that are sprayed will simply regrow.



Meeting: 12/03/2014 - Mid Argyll Partnership (Item 4)




The group heard an update from Mary Smyth and she detailed that recent remedial works on the A816 had been completed.  She added that plans had recently been submitted for Craobh Haven and Lunga without consultation with local residents.  May continued that the beach clean season had commenced.


Meeting: 11/12/2013 - Mid Argyll Partnership (Item 4)




Mary Smyth commenced her update by reading a prepared statement.  Craignish CC had considered resigning en masse over an issue with planning. An Application involving the Church of Scotland for a mixture of large private and affordable housing social was considered by the PPSL committee of the council and was determined by four members, all the local members having to declare an interest in the application. The CC feels that this application is against the Craignish Community Plan and the Local Plan. Craignish CC feels let down by Argyll and Bute.


Cllr. Taylor responded, advising that Members are obliged to be of an open mind when considering planning applications and can be reported to the Standards Commissioner if this is not the case.  He welcomed the approach from the CC and explained his personal circumstances in the matter.  Cllr MacMillan confirmed that he had felt it necessary to declare an interest, and was of the firm view that had acted entirely properly.  The CC was disappointed that none of their local Members could participate.  The Governance Officer clarified that in circumstances where a reasonable member of the public could construe a Members words or actions as indicative of him or her having predetermined an application, then the Member should declare an interest.  The Governance Officer also noted that there was a considerable volume of guidance available from the Council on this and other matters, and agreed to make it available on request.  It was confirmed that both Members and the CC had each learned from this incident and that roles and responsibilities were now clearer. Mary Smyth noted that the application has now been determined, and confirmed that the CC are not going to oppose this. 


The Chair commended the good work done in the Craignish Community Plan and agreed that this was a model of best practice, which he had promoted to other community councils in Mid Argyll.


Meeting: 11/09/2013 - Mid Argyll Partnership (Item 7)




Mary Smyth updated the group on the following:-


  • Community Festival held in the Summer had been successful.  One of the initiatives had been for attendees at the event to bring along a personal artefact with a 100-word description of why they held it dear to them.
  • A new Planning Application had been lodged for the Glebe which was particularly contentious.  The Community Council had lodged an objection to the original plan and there would be a meeting that evening to discuss an alternative arrangement for a community buyout.


The Chair thanked Mary for her informative update.   



Meeting: 12/06/2013 - Mid Argyll Partnership (Item 6)




Colin Davidson updated the group on the following:-


  • Remedial work had now been undertaken on the rough stretch of the B8002
  • Public hearing had been convened for 17 June with regard to the Church of Scotland planning application in Ardfern.





Meeting: 13/03/2013 - Mid Argyll Partnership (Item 4)




Colin Davidson stated that updates in the local Press detailing that Craignish Community Council had objected to a planning application for affordable housing were untrue. Contrary to local reports, Fyne Homes had not submitted the said application, but it was in fact the Trustees of the Church of Scotland.  The application was for 5 upmarket houses as well as affordable housing.


The Community Council were of view that the application was in conflict with the recent Local Plan and an objection had been lodged.


Colin Davidson was of the opinion that a public hearing would be heard and, if this was the case, then Craignish Community Council could submit their views in regards their opposition to the build.


The Chair thanked Colin for this update and stated that some issues would need to be resolved in terms of the design before the application could be considered at a discretionary hearing.


Meeting: 11/12/2012 - Mid Argyll Partnership (Item 4)




Colin Davidson reported on the following:-


Their Community Development Plan was submitted in the Development Awards and Colin Davidson hoped that the Planning, Protective Services and Licensing Committee would take account of their Plan. Councillor Taylor advised that he had been promoting their approach and commended what they were doing.


Councillor Currie raised a question with regard to the houses being built in Ardfern which had received rural housing development money which was granted last year. Colin Davidson reported that the site did not have planning permission yet and that an alternative site was being looked at and was awaiting development.


Meeting: 04/09/2012 - Mid Argyll Partnership (Item 6)




There were no representatives from Craignish CC.



Meeting: 12/06/2012 - Mid Argyll Partnership (Item 4)




No update was received from Craignish.


Meeting: 03/04/2012 - Mid Argyll Partnership (Item 4)




Mary Smyth reported that the Craignish Area Plan had been adopted by Argyll and Bute council.  In addition,  the Plan had been entered for a National Planning Award.


Meeting: 07/02/2012 - Mid Argyll Partnership (Item 4)




Colin Davidson reported that the Craignish Community Plan was now finalised and with Argyll and Bute council for adoption.


Meeting: 18/10/2011 - Mid Argyll Partnership (Item 4)




Mary Smyth reported that the final draft of the Community Plan had been presented to the local community. This was available on their website.  A deadline of 31 October had been set for the receipt of comments.  After which it would be formally presented to Argyll and Bute Council for adoption.


The Chair congratulated the hard work and effort of the Community Council in finalising the Craignish Community Plan.


