Issue - meetings

Sandbank Road Safety

Meeting: 31/10/2023 - Bute and Cowal Community Planning Group (Item 8)


Discussion facilitated by Committee Manager




The Committee Manager highlighted that road safety concerns in Sandbank had been raised at the Bute and Cowal Area Committee in September under the Roads and Infrastructure item where it was agreed to bring the matter to the Community Planning Group for discussion. Mr McLean advised that the matter had previously been raised at the Area Committee in December by a local resident, Liz Neilson, who highlighted that the Community were concerned with traffic speeding through Sandbank and the general lack of road safety measures along the entirety of the road.


Councillor Sinclair highlighted that within the last 12 months, there had been four serious accidents within the stretch of the 30mph road in Sandbank with one incident resulting in loss of life.


Sergeant Eddie McGunnigal advised that the four recorded accidents were not attributed to speed and advised that the speed survey carried out by Argyll and Bute Council didn’t show a high percentage of speeding. Sergeant McGunnigal further advised that Police Scotland continue to undertake speed checks and have provided communities with new speed limit wheelie bin stickers to encourage drivers to stick to the limit and that they are currently working on a community speed watch team in the area. Sergeant McGunnigal added that the Police are happy to support any speed calming initiatives.


Tony McGloin advised that the Fire Service did attend the four mentioned incidents and that they are very active highlighting road safety with Road Safety Scotland Material. Tony highlighted that the Service will soon have virtual reality headsets to train young drivers.


Discussion took place in relation to children walking alongside the road, with partners raising concerns for their safety.




The Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group:


1.          considered and noted the information provided; and


2.          requested that the Roads and Infrastructure Services consider what appropriate road safety measures could be introduced within the locality and these be presented to a future meeting.
