Friends of Glenan Wood
Verbal Update by Friends of Glenan Wood
Consideration was given to a presentation by Robin Webster
of Friends of Glenan Wood which provided information
on the woodlands which is 148 hectares of unique Atlantic temperate rainforest
located in Portavadie. Robin highlighted that the
woods were acquired by the local community from Forestry Scotland via the
Scottish Land Act in 2019 and now has approximately 80 local members and 7
local trustees.
The presentation also included information on what visitors
can expect to find in the woodlands; grants that they have received; work
parties for volunteers; the weekly ‘brew and blether’ and the challenges they
are facing.
More information can be found at:
The Bute and Cowal Area Community
Planning Group considered and noted the information provided.
(Reference: Verbal Report by Secretary, Friends of Glenan Wood)