Issue - meetings

Area Community Planning Group Update (Shona Barton)

Meeting: 07/09/2023 - Argyll and Bute Community Planning Partnership - Management Committee (Item 4)

4 Area Community Planning Group Update (Shona Barton) pdf icon PDF 333 KB



Shona gave an overview of her report and the CPP MC was asked to note the report highlights, the changes to the Chair and Vice Chair positions for both the OLI and the MAKI ACPGs, and the agreement from the Bute and Cowal ACPG for a meeting to discuss the Dunoon-Gourock car ferry to be facilitated.


ACTION - Another development session is to be arranged for new ACPG Chairs and Vice-Chairs by CP Team.


ACTION - CP team to arrange a meeting between the Chair of the CPP Management Committee, the Chair of the Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group and the Chair of the Dunoon-Gourock Ferry Action Group.



Meeting: 22/06/2023 - Argyll and Bute Community Planning Partnership - Management Committee (Item 3)

3 Area Community Planning Group Update (Shona Barton) pdf icon PDF 341 KB



Shona gave an overview of her report and highlighted that there had been successful meetings across all areas in May. The utilisation of hybrid meeting equipment in Helensburgh and Lomond (HL), Oban Lorn and the Isles (OLI) and Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands (MAKI) has proven successful. Variety of subjects covered at all of the meetings and Shona gave thanks to Rona and her teams for the assistance in delivering development sessions with the new Chairs and Vice Chairs. 


One action for the Management Committee arose from the Bute and Cowal (BC) ACPG where they have asked the CPP MC to consider their concerns regarding the lack of a car ferry service to Dunoon, the detail of which is in the report. Joe commented that Transport Infrastructure is one of the top priorities highlighted by the recent Argyll and Bute Outcome Improvement Plan (ABOIP) consultation and this issue will likely be raised at the focus groups due later in the year. Shona also noted that OLI ACPG will be seeking a new Chair in August. 


ACTION - All partners are invited to share comments relating to the lack of a car ferry to Dunoon to


Joe said there had been an excellent range of presentations, updates and discussions taking place at the latest Area Community Planning Group meetings and gave thanks to the partners who have provided updates to those meetings. He added that the ACPGs have also had a presentation on the NHS Highland Director of Public Health report and advised that there will be a presentation on that topic at the September CPP MC meeting.

