Issue - meetings

Climate Change (Stan Philips)

Meeting: 07/09/2023 - Argyll and Bute Community Planning Partnership - Management Committee (Item 5)

5 Climate Change (Stan Philips) pdf icon PDF 46 KB



Stan gave a presentation in addition to his paper on “Addressing the Climate Emergency in Argyll and Bute project by the Climate Change Working Group (CCWG)”. Recruitment is underway for the Argyll and Bute Climate Action Project Manager who will undertake the development of the Argyll and Bute Climate Change Mitigation, Adaptation and Engagement Strategy and Action Plan. Interviews have been held and a preferred candidate has been selected. An offer will be made by the end of this week.


The Project Manager post will be hosted by Argyll and the Isles Coast and Countryside Trust (ACT), who will provide day-to-day line management. A Steering Group will be established to provide support and guidance to the Project Manager and oversight of the Project. The Steering Group will report to the Climate Change Working Group, which reports to this Committee.


ACTION – Partners, or representatives of their organisations, are invited to join the Steering Group, and are asked for any nominations to the CCSG to be forwarded to


Stan will be standing down as Chair of the Climate Change Working Group. A new Chair is sought from amongst the organisations represented at the CPP MC.


Stephen Kelly of SFRS has been nominated to be Vice Chair of the Climate Change Working Group and it was noted that the Community Planning team would provide an interim Chair from within the team.


ACTION – Partners are asked to to consider who will Chair the Climate Change Working Group, and forward any nominations to


ACTION - Partners are invited to forward ideas on other CCWG activities to


Meeting: 22/06/2023 - Argyll and Bute Community Planning Partnership - Management Committee (Item 4)

4 Climate Change (Stan Philips) pdf icon PDF 394 KB



Stan gave a presentation in addition to his paper on “Addressing the Climate Emergency in Argyll and Bute project by the Climate Change Working Group (CCWG)”. Over the past year the CCWG been focused on producing a climate change plan for Argyll and Bute and proposed to recruit a Climate Change Manager to lead this process. £70k of the target £120k funding has been secured and further funding options are still being explored (including £15k from NatureScot with the Argyll and Bute Third Sector Interface (TSI) also assisting in identifying other funding opportunities). Once a memorandum of agreement has been finalised between the CPP MC and the Argyll and the Isles Coast and Countryside Trust (ACT), who will be hosting the post, recruitment can begin for the Manager position.


Stan asked for the thoughts from the CPP MC regarding who should sit on the Climate Change Steering Group (CCSG) which will manage the action plan project over the next two years. Current draft parties include Stan, a representative from the CPP team, Sara McLean (ACT), Angela Anderson (HL ACPG and Plastic Free Helensburgh) and Tom Warren (Sustainability Manager Construction Scotland and Chair of Dunoon Community Council). Cllr Currie thought that, as the main funders, NHS Highland, Argyll and Bute Council (ABC) and NatureScot should be represented on the CCSG. Morag felt that there needs to be at least 2 or 3 representatives on the CCSG from the CPP MC but was aware that the challenging financial times may limit the available resource within each organisation. Joe and others highlighted the great work of chairing the CCWG to date by Stan, however Stan gave credit for the work to the members of the group.


ACTION – Community Planning team to circulate the job description for the Climate Change Manager position and asked for any nominations to the CCSG to be forwarded to by Friday 7 July 2023.


Stan advised that over the next 2 years, once the project is up and running, the CCWG will manage the function and support to the CCSG, continue to seek funding, monitor the action plan and continue to report progress to the CPP MC but he asked if the CPP MC had any other ideas on what they would like to see the CCWG do over that period (whilst not duplicating existing work at climate change hubs). Cllr Currie added that the Council has declared a climate emergency in Argyll and Bute and was open to suggestions on what else the Council could be doing to be more involved in this.


ACTION- Stan, Cllr Currie and Ross McLaughlin to meet to discuss climate change support that can be provided by the Council. 


ACTION - Partners are invited to forward ideas on other CCWG activities to


Finally, Stan advised that he intends to step down as the Chair of the CCWG once the action plan project is established and asked the CPP MC for guidance on the process to appoint a new Chair.  Joe said the new Chair needs to be from a strategic level and asked the CPP team to forward information to partners to consider taking up this post.


ACTION – Community Planning team to circulate information to partners regarding the CCWG Chair position.

