Issue - meetings


Meeting: 24/11/2022 - Argyll and Bute Council (Item 12)

12 2021-22 AUDITED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS pdf icon PDF 4 MB


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The Council gave consideration to a report advising of the conclusion of the audit of the accounts.  The audit was completed within the required timescales and minimal adjustments were made to the accounts during the audit process.  Audit Scotland had issued their annual audit report for 2021-22 which was predominantly positive.




The Council –


1.    noted that unqualified certificates have been issued for both the Council 2021-22 Accounts and the 2021-22 Charitable Trusts;


2.    approved for signature the Council’s audited annual accounts for 2021-22; and


3.    noted Audit Scotland’s Annual Audit Report for 2021-22.


(Reference:  Report by Section 95 Officer dated 17 November 2022; and briefing note dated 22 November 2022, submitted)
