SSE Renewables Update 2022/23
Having noted the apologies of the Senior Community Investment Manager, the Governance Manager read out the following correspondence from Mr Mullen:
I’m afraid I can’t attend this meeting due to a clash of events.
grant money provided from Tangy continues to support local projects. Can I
remind any community councils who haven’t yet done so, to submit last year’s
report in order to release funds for this year. Most have already been paid
this year.
local stakeholder engagement team will be in touch should any project updates
be required.
The Argyll and Bute Windfarm and Renewables Trust noted the information provided.
9 SSE Renewables Update 2021/22 PDF 235 KB
In the absence of Craig Mullen, the Trust gave consideration to an update which highlighted the SSE Renewables Community Investment Review 2021/22. The review highlighted that SSE Renewables had donated over £9.6 million in community projects in Great Britain and Ireland in the last year.
The Argyll and Bute Windfarm and Renewables Trust agreed to note the information provided.
(Reference: Update by SSE Renewables, submitted)