6 Budget Monitoring - 4 Months to 31 July 2022 PDF 630 KB
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The Board gave consideration to a report providing a summary of the financial position of the Health and Social Care Partnership as at 31 July 2022 and a forecast for the year. The report also provided an update on the delivery of the savings programme and utilisation of reserves.
The Integration Joint Board noted –
1. that there was a small forecast revenue overspend of £575k as at 31 July 2022 and that it was anticipated that the HSCP would be able operate within budget in the current year;
2. progress with the savings programme and confirmation of £2.8m in savings delivered, 46% of target;
3. that earmarked reserves of £3m had been committed for spend in 2022/23; and
4. that at the time of writing the net cost of the revised local authority pay offer was not known but was expected to add a further cost pressure to Social Work Budgets.
(Reference: Report by Head of Finance and Transformation dated 21 September 2022, submitted)