Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education
A report informing the Committee of the background and context relating to Argyll and Bute Council’s continuing preparation for the incorporation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) into Scots Law, and the associated work currently underway in Argyll and Bute in response to the opportunities and challenges which have emerged was considered.
The Committee:
1. noted the current position with regard to the incorporation of UNCRC into Scots Law and the associated opportunities and challenges, and work currently underway in Argyll and Bute;
2. noted the Action Plan priorities defined in the Argyll and Bute Children’s Rights Report 2020-2023;
3. endorsed the work of the Officer Working Group co-ordinating preparation for the incorporation of the UNCRC into Scots Law; and
4. agreed to a further report coming to the Community Services Committee with further progress outlined.
(Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education dated August 2021, submitted)