Issue - meetings

CardrossCAN (TBC)

Meeting: 19/08/2021 - Helensburgh and Lomond Community Planning Group (Item 5)

Cardross Climate Action Network

Verbal Presentation by Heather Munro, Cardross Climate Action Network



Heather Munro, Cardross Climate Action Network (CardrossCAN), provided the Group with recent statistical information around climate change. Heather also provided information around the background of the organisation and their aims as a network of people in sharing knowledge to encourage and support people to make the changes needed to tackle climate issues. Heather advised that the Group consisted of people who had wide-ranging expertise across many climate issues. Heather noted that the network currently communicate via mailing list but are also on social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.


Heather advised that CardrossCAN hold monthly Zoom meetings with relevant speakers, and have built up a network linking people with similar interests and creating various project groups. Heather noted that the project groups include work around home energy efficiency; recycling; Cardross Bay; and the potential start of a community garden.  Heather noted that a further project group was being formulated around sustainable transport.


Heather advised that CardrossCAN were co-ordinating with Plastic Free Helensburgh to promote events for Climate Fringe Week and were also creating a short film, describing their hopes for the future and envisaging what Cardross could look like as a net-zero community in 2045.


Heather advised that the organisation had taken off more than expected since its creation as more and more people were concerned about the future and climate change information, however CardrossCAN are a deliberately non-judgemental group who understand that net-zero lifestyles cannot be achieved overnight. Heather noted that CardrossCAN aim to have fun and keep activities family friendly, with enthusiasm growing for the project as changes are made over time.


Kirsty Moyes encouraged Heather to get in touch if she would be interested in having any of the Group partners attend any future events as many of the projects discussed were in line with Community Planning thematic priorities and it could be useful to make connections with different organisations.


Shona Barton and the Chair invited Heather to attend future meetings of the Group, and Heather confirmed that she would be happy to do this.


PC Evans offered support where required from Police Scotland, suggesting possible assistance with bike marking during events in relation to sustainable travel.




The Helensburgh and Lomond Area Community Planning Group:


  1. considered and noted the information provided; and
  2. agreed to invite Cardross Climate Action Network to attend future meetings of the Group.
