13 Non-Domestic Energy Efficiency Project (NDEEF) - Full Business Case PDF 823 KB
The Committee gave consideration to a report providing a full business case to progress with Argyll and Bute Council’s intention to utilise the Scottish Government Non-Domestic Energy Efficiency Framework (NDEEF) to deliver a range of energy efficiency projects at 11no. Council properties.
The Policy and Resources Committee –
Noted that the Full Business Case had been approved
by SMT and DMT which estimated that capital funding of circa £1,271,351 would
be invested in 11no. sites to improve non-domestic energy efficiency
performance across the Council’s estate and had agreed to the signing of an
Energy Performance Contract (EnPC).
Noted that the Full Business Case estimated revenue
savings of £123,539 per annum with aggregated simple payback period of 10.29
years for the 11no. sites. Annual carbon savings of circa 463 Tonnes of carbon
dioxide equivalent are also anticipated.
Noted that based on the impact, affordability (this
project is funded using existing approved capital), deliverability and risk for
the 11no. sites this project should progress to the signing of an Energy
Performance Contract (EnPC) leading to the
implementation/delivery stage financed by £1.1m from the Budget commitment and
£171,351 of allocated capital works.
Agreed revenue savings generated from delivery of
this project would be recovered centrally and requests for further funding to
support climate change measures, backed up by suitable business case, would be
(Reference: Report by Executive Director with
responsibility for Commercial Services dated 24 March 2021, submitted)