Issue - meetings

Public Question Time

Meeting: 17/09/2020 - Helensburgh & Lomond Area Committee (Item 4)

Public Question Time



Chris Smith asked the Committee if they had an opinion on the recent planning application for Portincaple and if there were plans in place for further development at Portincaple as it appeared from the planning departments actions that assumptions had been made that Portincaple was available for development. It was noted that the Area Committee do not have a role in planning and a number of the Members of the Area Committee were Members of the Planning, Protective Services and Licencing Committee and could not make any comment in relation to the application. There were no further comments made by the Committee.


Meeting: 19/03/2020 - Helensburgh & Lomond Area Committee (Item 4)

Public Question Time



A question was submitted to the Committee by Peter Brown, Vice Convener, Helensburgh Community Council. Mr Brown was not in attendance at the meeting and so the Committee Manager read out the question as follows:


“The council's need to re-tender the Helensburgh Waterfront Development project caused the timeline to slip by a further six months in the last year. The revised deadline for the opening of the new swimming pool was May 2022.

In order to meet this extended deadline can the committee confirm that, by their next meeting in June:
a) the full business case will have been approved, and
b) a contractor will have been appointed.

Alternatively, if that is not the case, can the committee provide a revised timeline for these milestones and the completion of the swimming pool?”

The Committee Manager confirmed that a response had been received to this query from John Gordon, Programme Manager, as follows:

“We are currently in the process of evaluating the submitted tenders such that we can bring forward the Full Business Case (FBC) and Contract Award Recommendation Report (CARR) for approval by the relevant Committees and Council during June 2020, and subject to the necessary approvals being granted, to have awarded the contract for the main construction works as soon as possible thereafter.”
