Decision Maker: Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The Committee gave consideration
to a report confirming that a financial saving had been made following the
decision by the Council in 2021 to a £10,000 savings package in relation to the
nursery growing service. The report set
out the challenges in delivering spring bedding, largely due to market changes
which were not reasonably foreseeable at the time the savings package was
developed. The report also set out a
range of possible options for dealing with planting beds in future years,
including community involvement.
The Environment, Development and
Infrastructure Committee agreed to pursue a blended model of options for the
delivery of planting across Argyll and Bute as follows:
1. agreed to re-open the Ardencraig
growing facility to serve the Isle of Bute with annual summer bedding plants
noting that the estimated cost associated with this option was £13,500;
2. agreed to continue to purchase annual summer
bedding plants for all other areas across Argyll and Bute, noting that this
would deliver a recurring revenue saving of £6,000;
3. agreed to progress Option 6 as noted in the report
to continue to engage with community groups across the Council area to take
over maintenance of floral displays; and
4. agreed to recommend to the Council that as
implementation of these measures are estimated to require additional revenue
funding of £7,500 within 2023-24 this is funded from the unallocated General
Fund and built into the budget outlook estimates for future years.
Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Roads and
Infrastructure Services dated August 2023, submitted; and Motion by Councillor
Ross Moreland, seconded by Councillor Peter Wallace, tabled)
Publication date: 04/09/2023
Date of decision: 31/08/2023
Decided at meeting: 31/08/2023 - Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee
Accompanying Documents: