Decision Maker: Argyll and Bute Council
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The Minute of the Community Services Committee held on 11
December 2018 were noted.
Arising under Item 6 (School Catchment Areas Rezoning Policy) the Council:-
1. discontinued the policy adopted on 11 September 2014 in relation to dealing with requests to alter the catchment area of a school;
2. noted that the relevant Area Committee would be given the opportunity to comment as part of a consultation exercise; and
3. returned to the previous process, similar to that for other proposals under the 2010 Act, whereby requests to alter the catchment area of a school are brought before the Community Services Committee for a decision to be made on whether that request is adopted as a ‘relevant proposal’ to be progressed to a public consultation under the 2010 Act.
Arising under Item 18 (Review of Strategic Housing Fund) the Council agreed to:-
1. continue to use the Strategic Housing Fund to assist with the delivery of affordable housing in Argyll and Bute at £12,000 per unit. This would apply to affordable housing units delivered by March 2021;
2. use the Strategic Housing Fund to honour existing commitments within the fund eg existing awards to Registered Social Landlords;
3. extend the £12,000 per unit to community organisations who satisfy requisite funding criteria and secure Rural Housing Fund and/or Islands Housing Fund Grant from the Scottish Government to deliver affordable housing;
4. an Empty/Abandoned Buildings enabling budget of £50,000 per annum to tackle the most problematic empty buildings; and
5. carry out a further review of the Strategic Housing Fund which will take into account the Scottish Government vision of Housing Beyond 2021.
Arising under Item 28 (Notice of Motion under Standing Order 13 - Scotland’s Charter for a Tobacco-Free Generation) the Council agreed to ratify the terms of the Motion below:-
a) Welcomes the signing of Scotland’s Charter for a
Tobacco-Free Generation by the Argyll and Bute Integration Joint Board.
b) Noted that further details of the Charter can be found
c) Agrees that Argyll and Bute Council sign the Charter.
d) Endorses the principles that:
a) Every baby should be born free from the harmful
effects of tobacco;
b) Children have a particular need for a smoke-free
c) All children should play, learn and socialise in
places that are free from tobacco;
d) Every child has the right to effective education that
equips them to make informed positive choices on tobacco and health;
e) All young people should be protected from commercial
interests which profit from recruiting new smokers; and
f) Any young person who smokes should be offered
accessible support to help them to become tobacco-free.
e) In support of the Charter agrees to:
a) Acknowledge the harmful effect smoking has on the
health of our population.
b) Be personal advocates for a tobacco-free generation.
c) Encourage our educational establishments to further
discourage young people from becoming new smokers and ensure that accessible
support is available for smokers becoming tobacco-free.
Arising under Item 29 (Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan) the Council agreed the Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan.
Publication date: 26/02/2019
Date of decision: 21/02/2019
Decided at meeting: 21/02/2019 - Argyll and Bute Council
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