Decision details

Housing Issues

Decision Maker: Mid Argyll Partnership

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The group heard a short update on ACHA issues from Iain McLeod, Local manager, Property Services.  He emphasised that he was unable to provide a strategic overview to the group, but confirmed that Yvonne Litster, ACHA Regional Manager was prepared to attend a future MAP meeting to undertake this. 


Iain’s verbal update included details on the following:-


Dewar Avenue - the former play park is a blank canvas and ACHA would welcome any proposals from Lochgilphead CC.


Bridge Terrace road – Quotes have been obtained from ABC and Breedon Aggregates for resurfacing the road. In addition, Fyne Forestry has requested a quote from McNaughton and there is an agreement between Fyne Forestry, ACHA and Argyll Estates to pay a share of costs.

There is street lighting up to Bridge Terr and Council service vehicles use this road).  Three owners have been written to (South Craleckan, 5 Bridge Terrace and Bridge Cottage) and, to date, only one response has been received.  The owner of Bridge Cottage has stated that he was not prepared to make a contribution. Reminder letters will be sent to owners of Bridge Terr and S Craleckan.


In regards Duncholgan core path, Argyll and Bute Council will be submitting a Sustrans funding bid again this year.


ACHA have submitted a planning application for a proposed new build at Oakfield, Tarbert which will comprise of 8 units.  The design & build contract has been awarded to MacLeod Construction and the planning application has been approved. The site is currently owned by the Council and a land transfer agreement is being progressed.


In addition, a Planning application for Barn Park, Inveraray (12 units) in February and a design & build contract has been awarded to Stewart McNee Ltd., Dunoon. Subject to planning approval, a site start could be made in May 2014. The site is currently owned by Argyll Estates and a land transfer agreement has been agreed.


Iain informed the group of the on-going joint working between ACHA and PO on the CARS project.  He advised of the appointment of the new CARS officer – Mr Iain Barker, who will work closely with all involved and help with the consolidation of the project.


Iain confirmed that the various Roof & Roughcast, Heating & Rewire Projects were still on-going. The replacement Windows, Doors, Kitchen & Bathrooms projects were drawing to an end.  He highlighted that engagement with private owners was proving difficult in some R&R projects and causing these projects to be at a standstill. This in turn is causing problems for ACHA repairs and re-letting. Iain confirmed that ACHA was working with the Bill Halliday (Argyll and Bute Council, Area and Private Sector officer) on some of the more difficult projects.


Iain reported that the new Home Argyll policy would coincide with the introduction of the on-line application form.  ACHA were preparing to rollout press releases, posters and letters to applicants.  He advised that the introduction was due to commence on 22nd April and would ‘go live’ on 1st July.


In regards Argyll Homes for All (AHFA), Iain confirmed that the end of the first year reports and comments received from users have been good.  He commented that 9 tradesmen were currently working for ACHA in Mid Argyll & Kintyre.


Councillor Horn enquired if the new on-line application form would enable applicants to make preferred housing choices, especially in rural areas where there are presently no existing socially affordable housing. Iain undertook to relay this question to the Area Manager, who would respond directly to Councillor Horn.




The group noted Iain’s update


1.                  That a request be made for Yvonne Litster to attend a future MAP meeting to provide a strategic overview of ACHA.

2.                  That ACHA would verify if the new on-line application form would have provision for applicants own preferred choice of area.

Publication date: 17/03/2014

Date of decision: 12/03/2014

Decided at meeting: 12/03/2014 - Mid Argyll Partnership