Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
Chief Superintendent Lynn Ratcliff presented the Quarter 2 – 2022/23 update in relation to the Argyll and Bute Local Policing Plan 2020 – 2023.
In addition she advised of Police Scotland’s Festive Safety Campaign which commenced on 1 December and would run until 2 January 2023; L Division’s Road Safety social media Question and Answer Session aimed at Road Safety on 14 December 2022 with Sergeant Archie Maguire from Road Policing; and Operation Balaton which ran over the summer in Loch Lomond National Park and focused on water safety and anti-social behaviour.
Chief Superintendent Ratcliff then advised of the exceptional achievements of a couple of dedicated Police Scotland Officers who live and work in Argyll and Bute - Police Constable Laura Evans based at Dunoon, who was runner up for the Police Officer of the Year and Police Constable Eilidh Ann Dewar from Oban, who won the Excellence in Policing Award at the Scottish Women’s Development Awards.
Thereafter, she, along with Chief Inspector Simon Shanks, Area Commander for Oban, Lorn, the Isles, Mid Argyll and Kintyre and Chief Inspector Samantha Glasgow, Area Commander for Bute, Cowal and Helensburgh, responded to a number of questions asked.
The Committee noted the contents of the report.
(Reference: Report for Quarter 2 2022/23 by Divisional Commander for Argyll and West Dunbartonshire Division, Police Scotland, submitted)
Publication date: 21/12/2022
Date of decision: 15/12/2022
Decided at meeting: 15/12/2022 - Community Services Committee
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