Decision details


Decision Maker: Policy and Resources Committee

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Committee gave consideration to a report providing an update on the project’s approved budget, anticipated final cost of the works to completion, and the associated programme of activities; and made a recommendation as to the future of the project.




The Policy and Resources Committee agreed the terms of a Motion proposed by Councillor Robin Currie, seconded by Councillor Yvonne McNeilly.


(Reference:  Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Commercial Services dated 24 November 2021, submitted; and Motion by Councillor Robin Currie, seconded by Councillor Yvonne McNeilly, tabled)

Publication date: 15/12/2021

Date of decision: 09/12/2021

Decided at meeting: 09/12/2021 - Policy and Resources Committee

Accompanying Documents: