Decision Maker: Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The Committee gave consideration to a report providing an update on the delivery progress of the larger-scale, externally funded project work of the Transformational Projects and Regeneration Team.
The Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee –
Noted the current
progress contained within the submitted report.
Approved that £80,000
Place Based Investment Funding for Lochgilphead Front Green be swapped with £80,000
Town Centre Funding for Bowmore Public Realm to
ensure that the delayed Bowmore project could still
go ahead and to remove the risk of having to pay back any unspent Town Centre
(Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility
for Development and Economic Growth dated July 2021, submitted)
Publication date: 06/09/2021
Date of decision: 02/09/2021
Decided at meeting: 02/09/2021 - Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee
Accompanying Documents: