Decision Maker: Argyll and Bute Council
Decision status: Recommendations approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The Council considered the Revenue Budget and Capital Budget papers as contained within the budgeting pack, considered such other appropriate resolutions in relation to these papers and fixed the Council Tax for the year to 31 March 2022 which had been referred without recommendation by the Policy and Resources Committee held on 18 February 2021.
The Council resolved in terms of Section 50(A)(4)
of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 to exclude the press and public to
allow consideration of Appendix 9 to item 2(d) and Appendix 4 to item 3(a) of
the Budgeting Pack 2021/22 on the grounds that they were likely to involve the
disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 6; and 8 & 9
respectively of Part 1 of Schedule 7A to the Local Government (Scotland) Act
In relation to Appendix 4 to item 3(a) of the
Budgeting Pack 2021/22 -
& Bute Council notes with concern the contents of the report and agrees to
pause this project until such time as officers have consulted / negotiated with
current funding partners on the implications of cancelling this project so that
any additional costs that the Council may face with regards to having to repay
funding in part or full can be identified.
further report should be brought to a future meeting of the Council with an
update provided by officers on the consultation / negotiations with current
funding partners so that the Council can then take an informed decision of this
Moved Councillor George Freeman, seconded
Councillor Dougie Philand.
That the Council considers this matter as part of
the Budgeting Pack 2021/22.
Moved Councillor Gary Mulvaney, seconded Councillor
Robin Currie.
As the meeting was being held on a virtual basis
the vote required to be taken by calling the Roll and Members voted as follows
Motion Amendment
Councillor George Freeman Councillor Jim Anderson
Councillor Dougie Philand Councillor John Armour
Gordon Blair
Rory Colville
Robin Currie
Mary Jean Devon
Lorna Douglas
Jim Findlay
Audrey Forrest
Bobby Good
Kieron Green
Graham Hardie
Anne Horn
David Kinniburgh
Jim Lynch
Donnie MacMillan
Roddy McCuish
Julie McKenzie
Yvonne McNeilly
Jean Moffat
Barbara Morgan
Aileen Morton
Gary Mulvaney
Iain Shonny Paterson
Alastair Redman
Alan Reid
Elaine Robertson
Sandy Taylor
Richard Trail
Andrew Vennard
The Amendment was carried by 30 votes to 2 and the
Council resolved accordingly.
The Press and Public were invited to re-join the
Councillor George Freeman left the meeting at this
Argyll and Bute Council:
1) Acknowledges
and welcomes the contributions from our communities to the Council’s budget
planning consultation, noting that after taking into account feedback from the
public, a number of savings proposals under consideration were not
2) Approves all service plans, subject to updating
the budget figures in line with the budget agreed for 2021-22.
3) Approves the revenue estimates for 2021-22 and
that consequently the local tax requirement estimated at £52.859m is funded
from Council Tax. Approve the following rates and charges for the year,
Council Tax to be paid in respect of a chargeable dwelling in Band “D” of
£1,367.73 representing a 0.00% increase.
Council Tax to be paid in respect of a chargeable dwelling in each of the other
valuation bands in accordance with Section 74(1) of the Local Government
Finance Act 1992 as amended.
Business Rates as determined by Scottish Ministers.
4) Approves the revenue budget for 2021-22 as set
out in the Revenue Budget
Overview Report and subject to the decisions outlined below and set out in the
Administration’s Budget Model provided at Appendix 1.
5) Approves a base allocation to the Health and
Social Care Partnership of £62.211m for 2021-22. Approve indicative base
allocations for 2022-23 and 2023-24 to be £62.211m. The level of future years
funding is subject to the level of Scottish Government funding and the
Council’s overall financial position in future years.
6) With reference to the HSCP request for a
deferral of £1m of the £1.2m that is due to be paid in 2021-22, agrees this in
principle, subject to the proviso that the amount to be deferred be reduced by
the amount of any HSCP underspend in 2020-21.
7) Approves the 10% reduction to the Live Argyll
Management Fee, resulting in a management fee in 2021-22 of £3.418m.
a) Rejects the following policy savings
options totalling £135,000:
R&I 02 –
flower bed planting- £30,000
R&I 13 – grass
cutting service specification - £100,000
R&I 14 – fuel
and utility sales - £5,000
b) Accepts all other policy savings options
proposals (set out in Appendix 6 of the Revenue Budget Overview report)
totalling £557,500.
c) Endorses the management/operational
savings outlined in Appendix 5 of the Revenue Budget Overview report.
9) Agrees a total of £6.784m investments in Argyll
and Bute’s future, as set out in the Administration Budget Model in Appendix 1:
Investing in Argyll and Bute’s Opportunities - £0.830m |
£500k |
Argyll and Bute - Supporting recovery and renewal by maximising the potential
for growth in Argyll and Bute’s camping and campervan staycation market |
Additional funds to be spent across 2021/22 and
2022/23 to support the delivery of a range of facilities across Argyll and
Bute necessary to support camping and caravan staycations. This will include provision of additional
waste disposal facilities to be available prior to the summer of 2021 and
other facilities that will be informed by the Motorhome and Informal Camping
Survey. Additional wardens to be
employed over the period April to October 2021 to raise awareness in respect
of camping responsibly. |
£300k |
Argyll and Bute as Scotland’s premier staycation destination – targeted
marketing and promotion activity to highlight Argyll and Bute’s opportunities
for growth |
In addition, £300k investment
in marketing Argyll and Bute as Scotland’s premier staycation destination,
with funds to be spent across 2021/22 to 2023/24 to support bespoke tourism
marketing initiatives in-house or as matched funding with partners. These staycation investments to
be progressed as early as possible by the Executive Director with responsibility
for Development and Infrastructure in consultation with the Council Leader,
Depute Leader and Leader of the largest Opposition Group, who comprise the
Covid-19 Leadership Group. |
£30k |
Argyll and the Isles Tourism
Co-operative |
Awards £30,000 to Argyll and
the Isles Tourism Co-operative for the current year, noting that any future
provision will be considered subject to satisfactory delivery of agreed
strategic outcomes in 2021/22. |
Keeping Argyll and Bute Connected - £3.113m |
£2.613m |
Roads |
Building on investments made in previous
years, provides an additional £2.613m
to drive forward improvements and repairs to Argyll and Bute’s network of
roads in rural, remote, island and urban communities, bringing the overall
Roads Reconstruction Budget to £10m for 2021/22; |
£500k |
Active Travel |
In line with the council’s agreed priorities,
invests a further £0.5m in enhancing and improving footpaths and pavements in
rural, remote, island and urban communities.
This investment complements the current allocation of £400,000 in
green transport and travel. |
Sustaining Argyll and Bute’s Future - £1.702m |
£892k |
Recovery and Renewal Fund |
Makes provision for future
recovery, regeneration and renewal, as well as any future pressures which may
arise following the Covid-19 pandemic through a dedicated Recovery and
Renewal Fund. Proposals for use of
this fund to be brought forward by officers to the Policy and Resources
Committee. To include in the first instance options for maximising Argyll and
Bute’s potential as a green, connected staycation destination of choice,
requesting that officers bring to the Environment, Development and
Infrastructure Committee a report on use of external funding sources and
other opportunities for improving the electric vehicle charging network. Should the distribution of the Scottish
Government COVID funding be different to what has been estimated this will be
reflected within the Recovery and Renewal Fund balance. |
£600k |
Change Measures |
a further £600k in energy renewable projects for solar panels and Air Source
heating which will reduce costs over a ten-year period and reduce carbon
emissions. Together
with the allocation of £500k last year, this comprises an investment fund of
£1.1m in addition to the council’s other funding of Climate Change-related
activities. |
£210k |
Rural Growth Deal |
Following the signing of the
Heads of Terms Agreement for Argyll and Bute’s Rural Growth Deal in February
2021 and, to secure maximum potential from this £70m investment in the
region, invests additional funding to drive forward the progression of Argyll
and Bute’s Deal and to support the Deal’s associated programme, business case
development and project management. |
Improving Opportunities for People and Communities - £1.042m |
£600K |
Investing in the wellbeing of
our young people –mental health and wellbeing resources and support for
vulnerable children and families |
Agrees to fund a package of
measures to boost the wellbeing and build back the resilience of young
people, in particular those most vulnerable, following the Covid-19 pandemic,
including counselling and increased provision of childcare for children under
three. Notes that the Scottish Government is yet to confirm details of
funding for similar initiatives and, should our investment in children’s
wellbeing qualify for this funding, the balance will be re-allocated to the
Recovery and Renewal Fund. Instructs
the Executive Director with responsibility for Education to bring a report on
proposals to the Community Services Committee. |
£250k |
Tackling Digital Exclusion Top Up Fund - to support people, businesses
and communities to access improved digital connections for social and
commercial opportunities |
the Tackling Digital Exclusion Top Up Fund to support communities and in some
cases individuals that are missing out on national programmes due to
logistics and economies of scale.
While vouchers are available from the UK and Scottish Governments in
some cases these do not cover the full cost of infrastructure builds.
Instructs the Executive Director with responsibility for Development and
Economic Growth to bring a report outlining criteria for distribution to the
EDI Committee in June. |
£172k |
Welfare Rights Support |
As part of our focus on Improving Opportunities for People and
Communities, agrees to provide additional resources to proactively
support people experiencing poverty and hardship, by investing in two
additional Welfare Rights support staff for two years. |
£20k |
Festive Parking |
Agrees to suspend all
off-street car parking charges across Argyll and Bute for the two-week period
11th to 24th December 2021 to encourage residents to
support local shops in the lead up to Christmas. |
Supporting Argyll and Bute’s Culture - £96.7K |
£30k |
Gaelic |
Provision of funding for
delivery and implementation of the council’s Gaelic Language Plan in
recognition of the contribution that Gaelic makes to economic growth and to
the tourism sector, and to enable delivery of key activities within the plan
which currently receive no revenue funding. |
£66.7k |
Awards £66,700 to CHArts to ensure that Argyll and Bute’s culture, heritage
and arts sector can make a contribution to our overall recovery and renewal. |
10) Agrees total funding of £90,000 for Strategic
Events and Festivals for 2022/23, in order that the application process can
commence during 2021/22, and to be augmented by any underspend remaining from
the current financial year.
11) Approves that the surplus on the revenue budget
is used to contribute towards the funding gap identified within the current
capital plan.
12) Approves that the Council exercises the
principal repayment holiday flexibility to make £5.4m available to be directed
towards Covid revenue and capital costs but that the use of this flexibility be
replaced by the credit arrangements financial flexibility if the Scottish
Government give permission for the repayment arrangements to be made on an
annuity basis. If this is the case a report will be brought back to the full Council for determination.
13) Notes that the Council expects to receive
£4.609m from the £259m non-recurring funding set aside by the Scottish
Government for Covid-related expenditure. Notes that the Council also expects
to receive £4.923m from the £275m non-recurring funding announced on 16th
February and to be paid in 2020/21 and approves that this funding is earmarked
at the end of 2020/21 to be fully used as part of the 2021/22 budget decisions.
Further notes that the distribution of both funding streams has still to be
14) Approves expenditure in relation to Covid, in
addition to the investments outlined at 9), above, as follows:
Estimated Revenue Cost Pressures amounting to £5.101m as outlined in Appendix 8
to the Revenue Budget Overview Report
Capital Contract Cost Pressures amounting to £2.0m as outlined in the capital
plan summary report.
Provision for Covid cost pressures beyond 2021-22 amounting to £2.5m.
d) Provision of £2.5m for capital contract
increases as a result of Covid.
15) Approves the following in relation to fees and
charges with effect from 1st April 2021 unless otherwise noted:
Approve the proposals for the fees and charges inflationary increase of 3% and
approve the charges that are over and above inflation. Note that this would
generate additional income of £0.334m in total.
Approve the changes proposed to the Social Work fees and charges.
Approve all other charges as noted within the Fees and Charges Schedule and the
revised Private Landlord Registration fees as noted within the Supplementary
16) Agrees to the recommendations set out within
paragraph 2.2 of appendix 9 to the revenue budget overview report (page 161 to
162 of the Budget Pack) and noted below:
a) Approve a six-month extension to KRL’s
contract at a value of £114,000 with the recycling service in Kintyre being
brought back in-house on 1st October 2021;
b) Approve an increase to the base budget in 2021/22
of £73,837 and approve one-off costs of up to £208,000 in respect of the
purchase of blue wheelie bins and TUPE costs.
c) Approve an increase to the recurring base
budget from 2022/23 of £75,837.
17) Notes the financial risks analysis.
18) Approves the contingency level for the General
Fund balance at a level of 2% of net expenditure, equivalent to £5.032m and
note the report on reserves and balances.
19) Notes that through the EQSEIA process, we have
paid due regard to our duties under the Equality Act 2010, our associated
Fairer Scotland Duty and the Islands Act. Notes that some of the savings
proposals have an impact in some of areas, but this has been given due regard.
There are no impacts identified through the EQSEIA process that show actual or
potential unlawful discrimination.
20) Approves the capital plan as set out in
Appendix 3 of the Capital Plan Summary Report and updated to reflect the
provisions made in the Administration Budget Model at Appendix 1, and approves
that the gap of £1.077m is funded from additional borrowing, with repayments
commencing in 2022/23
21) Agrees to the recommendations set out within
paragraphs 2.1 to 2.2, including sub-paragraphs, of appendix 4 to the capital
plan summary report, to provide funding
to support completion of outstanding works in relation to Rothesay Pavilion.
22) Approves the Corporate Asset Management
23) Notes the Corporate Asset Management Plan and
the Asset Group Summaries.
21/22 £000 |
22/23 £000 |
23/24 £000 |
24/25 £000 |
25/26 £000 |
Budget Surplus/(Gap) as per Budget Pack |
3,080 |
(1,838) |
(6,928) |
(11,589) |
(16,607) |
Policy Options Rejected: |
R&I02 Stop provision of
plant beds |
(30) |
(30) |
(30) |
(30) |
(30) |
R&I13 Reduce specification
of grass cutting |
(100) |
(100) |
(100) |
(100) |
(100) |
R&I14 Fuel and Utility
Sales |
(5) |
(5) |
(5) |
(5) |
(5) |
AITC – funding for 1 Year from
General Fund Balance |
30 |
30 |
30 |
0 |
0 |
Additional Loans Fund to Pay
for Additional Borrowing to fund Capital Plan |
(70) |
(70) |
(70) |
(70) |
Transfer to Capital Plan |
(2,975) |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Revised Budget Surplus/(Gap) |
0 |
(2,013) |
(7,103) |
(11,794) |
(16,812) |
of COVID Funding
£000 |
£000 |
COVID Expenditure: |
2021-22 Identified Cost
Pressures |
(5,101) |
2021-22 Identified Capital Cost
Pressures |
(2,000) |
Provision for COVID Cost
Pressures beyond 2021-22 |
(2,500) |
Provision for Capital Contract
increases as a result of COVID |
(2,500) |
Staycation |
(800) |
Tackling Digital Exclusion
Top-Up Fund |
(250) |
Welfare Rights Support |
(172) |
Education to Support Young
People |
(600) |
(67) |
(30) |
Festive Parking |
(20) |
Recovery, Regeneration and
Renewal Fund |
(892) |
14,932 |
COVID Funding: |
Estimated Share of £259m
funding announced on 25 January 2021 |
4,609 |
Estimated Share of £275 funding
announced on 16 February 2021 |
4,923 |
Loans Fund Principal Repayment
Holiday |
5,400 |
14,932 |
COVID Funding Surplus/(Gap) |
0 |
Plan Model
£000 |
£000 |
Gap on Capital Plan prior to red risk and cost pressures |
(6,262) |
Red Risks |
(72) |
Significant Strategic Change
Fund cost pressures |
(1,162) |
(1,234) |
Revised Gap on Capital Plan after red risks and cost pressures |
(7,496) |
Additional Expenditure: |
Investment in Climate Change
Measures |
(600) |
Investment in Roads |
(2,613) |
Investment in Active Travel |
(500) |
(3,713) |
Additional Funding: |
Transfer from remaining balance
in Significant Change Fund Earmarking |
2,157 |
Transfer from COVID funding |
2,000 |
Transfer from Unallocated
General Fund |
3,000 |
Transferred from Revenue
Surplus in 2021-22 |
2,975 |
Funded via Additional Borrowing |
1,077 |
11,209 |
Revised Capital Plan Surplus/(Gap) |
0 |
General Fund Balance
£000 |
£000 |
Estimated Unallocated General Fund Balance as per Budget Pack as at 31
March 2021 |
3,669 |
Adjustment to ensure
contingency amount remains at 2% |
(2) |
Implementation of Gaelic
Language Plan |
(30) |
Rural Growth Deal Programme
Office |
(210) |
Transfer to Capital Plan |
(3,000) |
(3,242) |
Estimated Revised Unallocated General Fund Balance as at 31 March 2021
(prior to Social Work advanced repayment) |
427 |
HSCP Advance Repayment
anticipated in 2020-21 |
1,000 |
Estimated Revised Unallocated General Fund Balance as at 31 March 2021
(after Social Work advanced repayment) |
1,427 |
Moved Councillor Robin Currie, seconded Councillor
Gary Mulvaney.
The Council …
Council Tax to be paid in respect of a chargeable
dwelling in Band “D” of £1,367.73
representing a 0.00% increase
Council Tax to be paid in respect of a chargeable
dwelling in each of the other valuation bands in accordance with Section 74(1)
of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 as amended.
iii. Business
Rates as determined by Scottish Ministers.
Revenue Expenditure
Policy Savings |
£000 |
R&I 02 |
Stop floral bed planting |
30 |
R&I 13 |
Reduce grass cutting |
100 |
ED 05 |
Review and reduce Clerical
Support entitlement |
76 |
Rejected Savings Options |
206 |
Estimated revenue cost pressures amounting to
£5.101m as outlined in Appendix 8 to the revenue budget overview report
Capital contract cost pressures amounting to £2.0m
as outlined in the capital plan summary report.
Provision for COVID cost pressures beyond 2021-22
amounting to £2.5m.
Provision of £2.5m for capital contract increases
as a result of COVID.
Creation of a 2 year COVID Resilience Development
Programme of £1.368m which makes provision for the recruitment of additional
Council staff resources, funding support for communities and local advice
agencies as described below, subject to reports from Officers to Committee as
21-21 |
22-23 |
Business Support |
50 |
50 |
Additional staff for Business
Gateway |
Development |
56 |
56 |
Additional staff for Economic
Development |
Centre Improvement |
100 |
100 |
Additional funding for town
centre improvements |
Events and Festivals |
100 |
100 |
Additional funding for events
and festivals |
Procurement |
56 |
56 |
Additional staff for
Procurement team |
Communities Fund |
100 |
100 |
Additional funding for community
groups |
Benefits |
38 |
38 |
Additional staff for A&BC
Welfare Rights |
Money, Energy Advice |
80 |
80 |
Funding in support of local
advice agencies |
Counselling Services |
104 |
104 |
Additional staff for Pupil
Counselling (Primary) |
Total |
684 |
684 |
1368 |
individual expenditure commitments being subject to review in the event of the
receipt of Scottish Government monies targeted for the same purposes.
Agree the development of a network of basic servicing
points across Argyll and Bute at an indicated cost of £120k, subject to a
report from Officers which has regard to the findings of the Council’s
Motorhome Consultation, potential locations and sites for these service points
and the use of Council facilities which might be adapted for these purposes.
Agree to the funding request from CHARTS for
support funding of £66.7k in 2021-22.
Agrees the creation of a Recovery and Renewal Fund
of £2.644m, with officers to bring forward proposals to Council together with
business cases, as appropriate.
Approve the proposals for the fees and charges
inflationary increase of 3% and approve the charges that are over and above
inflation. Note that this would generate additional income of £0.334m in total.
Approve the changes proposed to the Social Work
fees and charges. Approve all other charges as noted within the Fees and
Charges Schedule and the revised private landlord registration fees as noted
within the supplementary pack
£000 |
£000 |
Revenue Budget Overview 2021-22 Surplus |
3,080 |
Adjust to reflect rejected
savings: |
R&I02 Stop floral bed
planting |
(30) |
R&I13 Reduce grass cutting |
(100) |
ED05 Review and reduce Clerical
Support entitlement |
(76) |
(206) |
Agree KRL Contract – saving on
budget pack figures |
210.5 |
Adjusted Revenue Budget Surplus |
3,084.5 |
Transfer to Capital Plan |
(3,084.5) |
Final Adjusted Revenue Budget Surplus |
0 |
£000 |
£000 |
COVID Expenditure: |
2021-22 Identified Cost
Pressures |
(5,101) |
2021-22 Identified Capital Cost
Pressures |
(2,000) |
Provision for COVID Cost
Pressures beyond 2021-22 |
(2,500) |
Provision for Capital Contract
increases as a result of COVID |
(2,500) |
Motorhome etc. Infrastructure |
(120) |
(66.7) |
2021-23 COVID Resilience
Development Programme |
(1,368) |
Recovery and Renewal Fund |
(2,644.3) |
16,300 |
COVID Funding: |
Estimated Share of £259m
funding announced on 25 January 2021 |
4,609 |
Estimated Share of £275 funding
announced on 16 February 2021 |
4,923 |
Loans Fund Principal Repayment
Holiday |
5,400 |
Transfer from Unallocated
General Fund |
1,368 |
16,300 |
COVID Funding Surplus/(Gap) |
0 |
Plan 2021-24
£000 |
£000 |
Gap on Capital Plan prior to red risks and cost pressures as per
budget pack |
(6,262) |
Red Risks Identified |
(72) |
Significant Strategic Change
Projects cost pressure |
(1,162) |
(1,234) |
Revised Gap on Capital Plan after red risks and cost pressures as per
budget pack |
(7,496) |
Additional Funding: |
2021-22 Capital Cost Pressure
funded from COVID |
2,000 |
Significant Strategic Change
Fund from Reserves |
2,157 |
Transfer from Revenue Budget
Surplus |
3,084.5 |
Transfer from Unallocated
General Fund |
254.5 |
7,496 |
Revised Capital Plan Surplus/(Gap) |
0 |
and Balances
£000 |
£000 |
Unallocated General Fund Balance as per budget pack |
3,669 |
Transfer to COVID Focus for
2021-23 COVID Resilience Development Programme |
(1,368) |
Transfer to Capital Programme
to fund the remaining gap |
(254.5) |
(1,622.5) |
Revised Unallocated General Fund Balance |
2,046.5 |
Moved Councillor Sandy Taylor, seconded Councillor
Lorna Douglas.
The Provost requested the Section 95 Officer to
confirm that the Motion and Amendment before the Council, containing budget
proposals were competent and balanced.
The Section 95 Officer confirmed this was the case.
As the meeting was being held on a virtual basis
the vote required to be taken by calling the Roll and Members voted as follows
Motion Amendment
Councillor Jim Anderson Councillor John Armour
Councillor Rory Colville Councillor Gordon Blair
Councillor Robin Currie Councillor Lorna Douglas
Councillor Mary Jean Devon Councillor Jim Findlay
Councillor Bobby Good Councillor Audrey Forrest
Councillor Kieron Green Councillor Anne Horn
Councillor Graham Archibald Hardie Councillor Jim Lynch
Councillor David Kinniburgh Councillor Julie McKenzie
Councillor Donnie MacMillan Councillor Jean Moffat
Councillor Roddy McCuish Councillor Iain Shonny Paterson
Councillor Sir Jamie McGrigor Councillor Dougie Philand
Councillor Yvonne McNeilly Councillor Sandy
Councillor Barbara Morgan Councillor Richard Trail
Councillor Aileen Morton
Councillor Gary Mulvaney
Councillor Alastair Redman
Councillor Alan Reid
Councillor Elaine Robertson
Councillor Andrew Vennard
The Motion was carried by 19 votes to 13 and the
Council resolved accordingly.
Budgeting Pack 2021/22 dated 18 February 2021 and Supplementary Packs 1,
2 and 3; submitted)
Publication date: 04/03/2021
Date of decision: 25/02/2021
Decided at meeting: 25/02/2021 - Argyll and Bute Council
Accompanying Documents: