Decision details


Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Council considered a report which advised of the action taken by building standards at a private property on East Clyde Street, Helensburgh.




The Council:


1.     Noted that officers had no option but to instruct emergency works to the property to remove the immediate danger to the public or adjacent buildings, using our statutory powers under the Building (Scotland) Act 2003. These works were to stabilise the building and provide a short-term solution with a potential that further interventions will be necessary.


2.     Agreed that the best course of action at this stage was to stabilise the building, rather than demolish the property at considerable costs to the Council. Council further instructed officers to continue to work with owners and other interested parties to identify a permanent solution. This will be the subject of a future report to the appropriate Committee.


(Ref: Report by Executive Director for Development and Economic Growth dated 9 November 2020, submitted)

Publication date: 26/11/2020

Date of decision: 26/11/2020

Decided at meeting: 26/11/2020 - Argyll and Bute Council

Accompanying Documents: