Decision details


Decision Maker: Bute and Cowal Area Committee

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Committee gave consideration to a report which provided a summary of activity carried out by the Roads and Infrastructure team across the Bute and Cowal area.


Discussion focussed on the staged re-opening of public conveniences and the need to be aware that some are maintained by elderly workers that may not be able to offer their services due to the council’s duty of care towards their welfare during the pandemic.


Issues around lack of white-lining in Glendural and Strachur and other locations were discussed and the benefits of exploring funding options with wind farm trusts to look at installing more electric charging points.




The Bute and Cowal Area Committee noted and considered the update.


(Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Roads and Infrastructure Services dated August 2020, submitted)

Publication date: 02/09/2020

Date of decision: 01/09/2020

Decided at meeting: 01/09/2020 - Bute and Cowal Area Committee

Accompanying Documents: