The Kilmory Home Farm Project (KHFP) is a local group set up with a view to saving the Home Farm buildings near Kilmory Castle in Lochgilphead and using them as a hub for a ‘centre for sustainable living’.
The group worked alongside Strathclyde Building Preservation Trust (SBPT) to deliver an options appraisal funded by the Architectural Heritage Fund and Argyll & Bute Council. The appraisal was delivered in July 2008 and indicated that the project could be viable and attract capital funding.
In 2010 the Council’s community development officer, Audrey Baird, and social enterprise advisor, David Rennie, started working with the KHFP to develop their community engagement, marketing and funding strategies and a paper, recommending continued Council support for the project, is scheduled to go to a Mid Argyll Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee meeting in August.