Alice Sharp Webinars
- How Children Develop and Learn
- Nurturing Environments
- Noticing and Responding to Schematic Play
- Play Pedagogy of Early Years
- We are Mathematicians
- Wonder of Words - presented live Thursday 28th May 2021
Autism Scotland Inclusion of the Autistic Child in Early Years Settings
Childsmile Webinar Toothbrushing Programme
First4Life Pediatric First Aid Theory Part One and First Aid Theory Part Two (Practical sessions will complete this training when appropriate)
Julie Fisher Webinar (September 2020) Building on ELC Improving Transitions into Primary School Session 1 and Presentation
Julie Fisher Webinar (November 2020) Building on ELC Improving Transition into Primary School Session 2 (you will need a password to access this, please contact earlyyears@argyll-bute.gov.uk)
Julie Fisher Webinar (November 2020) Building on ELC Improving Transition into Primary School Session 3 (you will need a password to access this, please contact earlyyears@argyll-bute.gov.uk)
Juliet Robertson (Creative Star Learning Ltd)
- Webinar (October 2020) Messy Maths
- Webinar (November 2020) More Messy Maths