

Successful BID for Oban

A financial boost of £842,00 to the Oban business community and an increase in customers and visitors are just some of the benefits resulting from the Oban Business Improvement District (BID) extending to another five years.

16 December 2022

Funding aids growth of STEM subjects

New funding to support Argyll and Bute’s next generation of engineers, scientists and IT experts will help boost the area’s future economic growth prospects.

16 December 2022

Council re-affirms support for Gaelic language

The Council has outlined its ongoing commitment to supporting the Gaelic language and its speakers across Argyll and Bute as part of a new Scottish Government consultation.

9 December 2022
Save our services

Save our services from crisis

Calls are increasing for funding that will save council services from “a crisis point like never before - the impact for communities is serious and needs to be reconsidered”.

7 December 2022
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