Issue - decisions


27/03/2019 - AREA SCORECARD FQ3 2018-19

The Committee considered the Area Scorecard report for financial quarter 3 of

2018-2019 which illustrated the agreed performance measures.


The Committee was further updated by the Transformation Project Manager for

Roads and Amenity Services on the street lighting statistics who explained that the Council’s performance management information presented in the area scorecard simply provided a snapshot in time of statistics taken from other systems and was entirely reliant on that baseline data being up to date and accurate.  However there had been a delay in updating jobs in the asset management system due to sickness absence in the small lighting team and this was reflected in the figures which were contained in the report.




The Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee;


1.    noted the performance presented on the Scorecard and supporting commentary;


2.    noted that upon receipt of the quarterly performance report the Area Committee Members could contact either the Performance Improvement Officer or the responsible named officer with any queries; and


3.    noted that work is ongoing and to respond to the Performance Improvement Officer with requests or comments regarding the layout and format of the report and scorecard.


(Reference: Report by Executive Director of Customer Services dated 21 March 2019, submitted)