Issue - decisions



The Council considered a report which provided background information on taking forward our own island initiative which it is proposed could also include other Scottish island Councils.




1.      That the Council keeps a watching brief in regard to the 3 islands Councils initiative;


2.      Agreed to the Council developing its own islands initiative including a position statement for our islands which outlines the key areas  for support, including any increased resources and powers from the Scottish Government and UK Government;


3.      Agreed that the Council works with other Scottish Islands Councils to determine if there are common issues and areas of interest that can be developed in partnership;


4.      Agreed to the Council setting up a short life working group of 7 Members consisting of Councillors Currie, RE Macintyre, Devon, D MacIntyre and Scoullar (Chair) from the Administration and Councillors Horn and Strong from the Opposition to investigate and to take forward the actions above and to meet with the Scottish and UK Government to present its own case in regard to our islands and their needs and to seek support and commitment; and


(Ref: Report by Acting Executive Director of Development and Infrastructure dated 23 January 2014, submitted)