Issue - decisions


20/12/2013 - A.O.B.

Councillor Horn raised the issue of the Argyll and Bute Long Term Outcomes - People Life active, healthier and independent lives and suggested that an invitation be made to NHS Highland to attend a future KIWG meeting. She also enquired when local Community Councils would receive their Emergency kit bags.

Councillor Kelly affirmed that every local Community Council should be in receipt of the Emergency kit.  Stephen Doogan agreed to raise this issues with the Business Improvement Manager, Communities.


Councillor Currie made the suggestion that perhaps the KIWG agenda should have fewer items to enable the group to give fuller discussion and enable more focus on issues.

 Councillor Kelly also put forward the suggestion that additional partners should be invited to meetings and perhaps extend the meeting length




The group agreed that Donnie Cameron NHS locality manager would be invited to a future KIWG meeting.

The group agreed that the Chair would review the issue of amending the Agenda format and meeting length.

The group agreed that Stephen Doogan would raise this issue with the Business Improvement Manager, Communities


The Chair thanked the group for the attendance and updates