Agenda item


Extracts from Minutes of Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands; Oban, Lorn and the Isles; Bute and Cowal and Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committees held in December 2012 and report by Executive Director – Development and Infrastructure Services


The Council considered the main elements of the Proposed Argyll and Bute Local Development Plan (LDP) which had also been considered by the four Area Committees in December. The LDP consists of three elements for consideration prior to recommending approval to publish the proposed LDP for a 3 month public consultation period commencing in mid January 2013.




1.      The Council approved the Proposed Argyll and Bute Local Development Plan (LDP) as contained within Appendix A (written statement), Appendix B (Proposed Map Changes) and Appendix C (Supplementary Guidance), subject to any changes detailed below, for a three month public consultation period commencing in the third week of January 2013.


2.      Agreed that the Executive Director of Development and Infrastructure be given delegated authority to carry out necessary changes to the LDP following the end of the consultation process and come back to the Council for final approval prior to submission to Scottish Ministers.


3.      Agreed to the suggested changes from the Area Committees as detailed in the supplementary pack.


4.      Agreed also to change the designation of the shinty pitch site at Ganavan from an allocation to a potential development area.


(Ref: Report by Executive Director of Development and Infrastructure and Extracts for the four Area Committees, submitted)


Councillors Devon and MacDougall left the meeting at this point.

Supporting documents: