Agenda and minutes

Campbeltown Common Good Fund - Tuesday, 13 March 2012 9:00 am

Venue: Burnet Building, St John St, Campbeltown with a VC link to Hill St, Dunoon and Dalriada House, Lochgilphead

Contact: Theresa McLetchie - Tel: 01546 604511 

No. Item




There were no apologies for absence.



Minutes of previous meetings held on 13 December and 23 December 2011


The Minute of the previous meetings held on 13 and 23 December 2011 were approved as a true and correct record,  subject to the following amendment in regards the meeting held on 23 December 2011:-


Members had a further discussion in regards the use of the £20,000 loan refund which had been placed on deposit and had requested a further report from the Head of Strategic Finance advising on possible uses for this.  


Stockbrokers Quarterly Report


The current position  of the report for the period 1 January 2012 to 26 February 2012 was noted.


(Ref: Report by the Head of Strategic Finance, dated 27 February 2012, submitted). 


Financial Statement - Accountant


Members reviewed the statement and noted the balance of income available until the end of the financial year. 


Discussion ensued between Members in regards to the use of the £20,000.00 which has been placed on deposit following the repayment of the historical loan to Argyll and Bute Council.




1)      That over the next 3 years, where there is a shortfall in annual income available for the Common Good Fund to distribute, the capital may be drawn and distributed as funding for key events and festivals which bring economic benefits to the area.

2)      That the funds available may be used as a limited ‘smoothing fund’ in the following circumstances: Where the Common Good Fund does not have sufficient funding available at a given application round to meet all the intended awards it may decide, in exceptional circumstances, to advance funding from the Deposit Account so that the awards may be paid in full, without delay. This is only to be agreed on the basis that the sum of any advanced funds must be repaid in full at the next application round to the deposit account.


Moved by Councillor Donald Kelly, seconded by Councillor John Semple.




The Motion was carried by 2 votes to 1 and the Committee resolved accordingly.


It was agreed by all parties to note that Councillor Colville’s dissent lay with part (1) of the Motion, but that he was in agreement  with part (2).


It was agreed that a Minute of Agreement should be drafted as to the use of the monies held within the Deposit Account and that this should be held alongside the Terms of Reference for the Campbeltown Common Good Fund.  It was also noted that no report from the Head of Strategic Finance (as per Minute of 23 December) was now required.




Kintyre Schools Junior Band


Members considered the funding application and it was agreed to award the group £1000.00


Argyll Voluntary Action


Members considered the funding application and it was agreed that Theresa McLetchie would write to Argyll Voluntary Action explaining the limited funding available for consideration of applications and that the operation of a charity shop was not something that the Common Good Fund could support.



Campbeltown Cinema


Members considered the funding application and it was agreed to award the group £500.00



Campbeltown and District Community Football Club


Members considered the funding application and it was agreed to award the group £700.00.


Theresa McLetchie would write to the club, stating that future funding applications would be welcome.



South Kintyre Development Trust


Members considered the funding application and it was agreed to award the group £2030.00.



Mull of Kintyre Half Marathon and 10K


Members considered the funding application and it was agreed to award the group £1000.00.


As a key event delivering economic benefit to the area, it was agreed that this funding would come from the Deposit Account, leaving a remaining balance of £19.000.00 within that Account.



Kintyre District Ayrshire Breeders Club


Members considered the funding application and it was agreed to continue this for consideration at the next meeting.


Theresa McLetchie would write to Kintyre District Ayrshire Breeders Club explaining that Members were supportive of the application in principle.  However, no guarantees could be given in respect of the level of any support.  


The total amount awarded by Members equated to:




As stated at Item 5 (f) – it was agreed that the award to the Mull of Kintyre Half Marathon and 10K would be taken from the Deposit Account.  This would leave a balance of £19,000.00 within that Account.


It was further agreed that, in light of exceptional circumstances surrounding the previous award to the Music Festival which had depleted the Common Good Fund available, an advance of:




would be utilised from the Deposit Account to pay the grant awards in full and that this would be repaid from income available at the next round of applications. 




Members considered the following applications.



Campbeltown Grammar School


Members considered the funding application and it was agreed to award the group £150.00.



Castlehill Primary School


Members considered the funding application and it was agreed to award the group £150.00.



Carradale Primary/Drumlemble PS


Members considered the funding application and it was agreed to award the group £150.00.



Thank you letters


Members noted letters received from:-


Campbeltown Grammar School

Scottish Community Drama Association

Argyll Federation



Any other Business


Kintyre Environmental Group

Members agreed by email that the request received from Kintyre Environmental Group in that the funds received should be utilised in the construction of an appropriate path and handrail to enable wheelchair access and less able visitors and volunteers to the second polytunnel.


Members agreed to ratify this at the March 2012 meeting.


Members agreed to ratify the request from Kintyre Environmental Group, in regards amendments to their original application.


(Ref: A letter dated 23 December 2011, submitted).  


Machrihanish Airbase Community Company

To ratify the decision agreed by Members at the meeting held on 13 December, in that if their application to East Kintyre Wind Farm Trust (EKWFT) was unsuccessful, then the Common Good Fund would underwrite the shortfall to a maximum of £2000.00


Members agreed to ratify the request from Machrihanish Airbase Community Company to underwrite the shortfall, as agreed at the meeting held on 13 December 2011.


(Ref: A letter dated 9 January 2012, submitted).  



Date of next meeting


No meeting date was decided upon by Members and it was agreed that a subsequent date would be scheduled after the forthcoming elections in May.