Agenda and minutes

Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group - Wednesday, 1 February 2012 12:30 pm

Venue: Council Chambers, Kilmory, Lochgilphead. View directions

Contact: Theresa McLetchie - Tel: 01546 604511 

No. Item




Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of the following:-


Councillor Alison Hay

Councillor Donald Kelly

Christina West (NHS Highland)

Eileen Wilson

Jim Martin

Bob Chicken



Update from Transport Scotland


The group heard a presentation by Phil Hinchliff and Andrew Anderson, Transport Scotland.


They advised Members that a meeting had been held on 18 January with Tarbert and Skipness Community Council in Tarbert to discuss a pedestrian crossing in Tarbert and changes to the signage at Kilberry Road.  Resulting from the meeting, decisions had been made to instigate a study to justify the need for a pedestrian crossing in Tarbert.  In addition, Mr Hinchliff had emailed Bob Chicken (Tarbert and Skipness CC) details of proposed new signage for Kilberry Road.  A further meeting would be held on 9 February with Tarbert and Skipness CC.


Mr Hinchliff continued that Transport Scotland were in the process of appointing an external consultant who would be tasked with undertaking a review of the A83.  Their remit would include:


Trunking - south of Kennacraig

Pinchpoints at - Erines/Ardrishaig/Inveraray

Rest and Be Thankful


Mr Anderson informed the group of a meeting held between Michael Russell MSP, Strathclyde Police, Argyll & Bute Forestry Transport Association and Argyll and Bute Council to discuss the rationale of opening the forestry road at the Rest and Be Thankful.  The purpose of which would be to use the road as a diversionary route to be utilised when the A83 was closed due to emergencies.  There were however issues to be overcome before the forestry road could be used.  These included:-


Narrow track (measures to overcome would include a convoy vehicle leading vehicles 1-way direction)

Debris on track

Previous land slides in the area

Bridge - right-angled bends - which may necessitate a new bridge.


The above would constitute the need for financial injection.  The Forestry Transport Association had indicated that they would contribute to these costs.


Mr Hinchliff detailed several forthcoming meetings:-


9 February - Tarbert

21 February - Lochgoilhead (this meeting would primarily discuss the Rest and Be Thankful and Inveraray)


He advised that up-to-date information was available on the Transport Scotland website:-



Jeanette Laughton, Ardrishaig CC stated that for 6 years the CC had been endeavouring to get traffic calming measures implemented in Ardrishaig.  She voiced her concerns at the lack of inability on the part of  Transport Scotland to instigate any action or measures to address this problem.  Mr Hinchliff replied that neither he nor anyone else in his section had received the previous correspondence.  Mr Reppke suggested that Jeanette Laughton forward the said documentation to Theresa McLetchie.  She, in turn, would ensure that this was scanned and forwarded onto Mr Hinchliff.

Councillor Philand made the suggestion of holding a joint meeting with Transport Scotland to include both Lochgilphead and Ardrishaig.  


Liz Ball enquired if the timescale for the external consultants to undertaken the study would be completed before the onset of Winter 2012.  Mr Anderson replied that he was optimistic the forestry road would be implemented before then.  In the meantime, the sub-contractors who were responsible for the safety netting in place at the Rest and Be Thankful were being retained to maintain this work.


Councillor Currie enquired on the specific brief for the study.  Mr Anderson replied that Jamie McGrigor had compiled the list for review.  Charles Reppke asked if Ardrishaig could not be included on the said list.  Mr Hinchliff agreed that the list would be forwarded to Theresa McLetchie who would distribute to Members.  Councillor Philand stated that it was necessary to maintain direct contact with both Mr Hinchliff and Mr Anderson to ensure that issues which had been raised were being addressed.


Liz Ball reiterated that it was vital that the local communities south of Tarbert be included in these discussions, as all relied heavily on the A83, including the Trunk road part, for social and business reasons.  Cllr Colville replied that at the forthcoming KIWG meeting (24 February) a representative from Transport Scotland would be in attendance and discussion on the A83 could be taken forward to enusre that community councils had an opportunity to contribute to the discussion at that meeting.


Councillor Semple enquired on the lack of VC provison for the meeting.  Charles Reppke replied that technical difficulties had prevented a link for the meeting,


The Chair thanked both Mr Hinchliff and Mr Anderson for their attendance at the meeting and the information they had updated the group on.