Agenda and minutes

Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group - Wednesday, 11 January 2012 10:30 am

Venue: Council Chambers, Kilmory, Lochgilphead. View directions

Contact: Theresa McLetchie - Tel: 01546 604511 

No. Item




Apologies were received from:


Councillor Anne Horn

Councillor John Semple

Councillor Douglas Philand

Councillor John McAlpine

Chief Insoector Marlene Baillie, Strathclyde Police

Yvonne Litster, ACHA

Christina West, NHS Highland

Kate Macaulay, NHS Highland

Diane Clark, Colonsay CC

Mary McGugan, West Lochfyne CC

Leonard McNeill, West Lochfyne CC

Andrea Henderson, Furnace CC



The Chair welcomed everyone to the first LACPG meeting of 2012 and introductions were made around the table.



Minutes of the previous meeting held on 2 November 2011 pdf icon PDF 65 KB




The Minute of the previous meeting was approved as a true and correct record.



Declarations of Interest


There were no Declarations of Interest.




Updates from Partners


The Chair invited updates from partners attending the meeting.


Lochgilphead CC


Bob Millar reported on various paths in Lochgilphead which had not been properly mainained and were in a dreadful state of repair. 


Ardrishaig CC


Jeanette Laughton informed the meeting of a blocked drain in Ardrishaig which Scottish Water had still, as yet, to repair. 


West Kintyre CC


Liz Ball highlighted the damage on the road verges which had resulted from the recent storm and the detriment to the road drainage system.  She enquired if Argyll and Bute council had plans for a clear-up operation.  Charles Reppke replied that some clearance had been undertaken to remove debris on the roadway.  However he would escalate Liz’s enquiry to Jim Smith, Head of Roads and report back.


Tarbert and Skipness CC


Bob Chicken reported that the community council had received an emergency procedure paper.  He would ascertain who had forwarded on the paper and advise Charles Reppke accordingly.  Charles Reppke informed the group that in the recent severe weather, Bute had proven a good example of partnership working.  Whereby, Argyll and Bute council with relevant partners and community groups had set up a rest centre to provide help and assistance to people affected by power outages.


Councillor Hay enquired if Argyll and Bute council would review their own procedures in dealing with emergencies.  Charles replied that Argyll and Bute council had their own structured approach and had liaised and supported the lead agencies, namely the Hydro Board for restoring power supplies and police in coordinating.  Other partners fed into this support mechanism.  Rod Buchanan advised that ACHA had compiled a list of vulnerable tenants after the previous 2 years of severe weather.


Councillor Currie commended the work undertaken by the SSE in restoring power after the storm.  However, he questioned if there was something inferior in the Argyll and Bute power network which might necessitate an upgrade.   Charles replied that unfortunately trees had resulted in most of the damage in Argyll and Bute and the topography was partly consequential to this.


Eileen Wilson reported on exercises recently undertaken at the Clyde Centre in Helensburgh with various other agencies.  These had been instigated after the 2 previous severe winters.  She reiterated the need and importance for local community resilience to combat severe weather and power outages. Susan Paterson stated that the Emergency Planning team might need  to update information they held in regards local venue/community support, etc.


Hamish Campbell suggested that Emergency Planning be routinely on the LACPG Agenda advising on the role of agencies and other relevant issues.  Charles reported that Argyll and Bute council routinely convened meetings with council officers to discuss Emergency Planning issues.  He stated that the LACPG would be advised on the debriefing conducted by Argyll and Bute council after the recent storm at a future meeting, probably in the summer.. 


Audrey Baird informed the group that Community groups and organisations are being encouraged to apply now for Argyll and Bute Council’s 2012 Third Sector Grants.  The closing date for completed applications is Friday 24 February.  Central applications for organisations delivering a service Argyll and Bute wide will be considered by the Executive in June 2012.   


The applications forms for 2012 are available at local area community learning offices or can be accessed using the following link



Pat Dean gave a short update on a new initiative – Influence and Change.  She advised that the synopsis would be emailed to Theresa McLetchie who would disseminate it out to meeting attendees.   


Area Scorecards


This would be discussed at a future meeting.


Revised Single Outcome Agreement/Community plan pdf icon PDF 4 MB


Eileen Wilson advised the group that this was a draft plan.  She requested that any comments be sent directly to her and she would take these to the next Management Committee meeting.


Eileen’s contact details are:-



Highlight/Exception Reporting - Argyll and Bute Council - Improvement and Strategic HR and Governance and Law


Charles Reppke advised that this would be a regular Agenda item.  The ethos was that local groups or agencies would advise the LACPG if their contribution to the Local Area Community Plan are not being completed effectively and also to report on exceptionally good progress, etc.  This would afford communities the avenue to raise issues to a more strategic level.

The LACPG would agree priorities to be delivered and also monitor progress on their local area community plan.  


Eileen Wilson advised that the MAKI LACPG could forward concerns to Thematic groups.  Bob Chicken enquired on the role and remit of Thematic groups.  Eileen replied that the Thematic groups were in place to ensure that the Community Plan was delivered.


Rationalisation/ Partnership links to Local Area Community Planning Group pdf icon PDF 319 KB


Charles Reppke advised the group that any incorrect/out-of-date information should be notified to Theresa McLetchie. 


He welcomed the attendance of Stewart Farmer (Federation of Small Businesses) at the meeting and stated that this should prove an excellent opportunity to involve a business element to both the MAKI LACPG and other LACPGs in Argyll and Bute.


Councillor Colville and Councillor Currie raised concerns regarding Islay and the other islands.  Their feeling was that the islands were not fully represented.  Charles Reppke replied that he understood their point.  However, he reiterated the need for Community Councils to come together on key points, share information and the merits of trying to work together.  Audrey Baird voiced her concerns in regards the islands.  She informed the group about Diageo which tried to facilitate the creation of a ‘leadership group’ for Islay following its community consultation earlier in the year. 

Islay Community Council were still active in their work with Diageo.


Lesley Anderson, Manager for Island and Jura Community Voluntary Sector informed the group of the development of their web forum.  The link is detailed below:-


Bob Millar questioned if Transport Scotland should be included as a partner within the LACPG.  Charles Reppke would ascertain if they had been invited.  Eileen Wilson informed the group that Scottish Water were in the same situation.  They were representative at meetings, but not full partners.


Bob Millar enquired on the status of the Caucus of Community Councils.  Charles advised that the Caucus had been suggested by Argyll and Bute council.  The model had been initiated in the Oban area and had been successful in affording an opportunity to share good ideas/agree matters of common concern and to ease the burden of attendance for the volunteers who support Community Councils.  He continued that Argyll and Bute council were not involved in the meeting process to avoid a perception of undue influence in the work of the Caucus.  Furthermore, he recognised, in response to a question, that there were issues with the Association of Community Councils in the local area and Charles also commented on the working group established by Government to look at certain issues in respect of community councils and their membership. 


Discussion followed in regards the timetabling of the Agenda and Charles advised the group that Theresa emailed out a request for items for inclusion 6 weeks prior to the meeting.  This was to afford Community Councils and partners the opportunity to highlight/inform issues which they wished to discuss at the meeting. 

Charles Reppke made the suggestion that perhaps partners could be invited to the meeting to give a presentation/update to the group, with say 2 per meeting.  This would spotlight/showcase partners new initiatives, projects, etc and allow an opportunity to let partners lead and shape the discussion on those days.   The group welcomed this and it was agreed that Theresa would request this for the next meeting scheduled for March 2012.




Consultation Diary - Argyll and Bute Council, Improvement and Strategic HR pdf icon PDF 261 KB


Eileen Wilson advised the group that this was on the website. 


The Consultation Diary was a means of sharing information.  However, it was not being well used and there was the possibility that it would be re-drafted.



Updates from Thematic Groups pdf icon PDF 231 KB

Additional documents:


Bob Chicken stated that, in his opinion,  the reports were fact free and he questioned the rationale of additional reports not being included.  Charles Reppke replied that the additional reports could be viewed on the website and that the reports were signposts to matters which may be of interest to the group..

Eileen Wilson agreed that in future the weblink would be included. 






Issue on the treatment of Tarbert by Transport Scotland


Bob Chicken detailed his concerns in regards road safety issues in Tarbert.  He stated that an approach had been made to Transport Scotland.  However, there had been no progress to date.  This issue had already been raised at both the Mid Argyll Partnership and the Kintyre Initiative Working Group meetings.


Jeanette Laughton raised the issue of similar problems in Ardrishaig, where again there was no crossing.


Councillor Kelly reported that the campaign initiated by Argyll First was gaining momentum.  To date, it had the backing of 8 MSPs and 1 MP.  Support had also been received from Argyll and Bute councillors, local business, road haulage companies and  the public.

The Chair congratulated the hard work and effort by Argyll First and advised that representatives from Transport Scotland were coming to the MAKI Area Committee meeting on 1 February 2012.


The group agreed that a special MAKI LACPG should be convened for the 1 February 2012 and that Phil be invited to attend this.

Theresa McLetchie would contact Phil and invite him to the meeting.


The Chair thanked everyone for their attendance and valuable input to the meeting.