Agenda and minutes

Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group - Wednesday, 2 March 2011 10:00 am

Venue: Council Chambers, Kilmory, Lochgilphead. View directions

Contact: Theresa McLetchie - Tel: 01546 604511 

No. Item




Apologies were received from Councillor Kelly, Councillor Hay, Ishabel Bremner, Yvonne LItster, Audrey Baird, Maryanne Stewart, Anne Austin, Christine West and Alex Purdie.



Minutes of the previous meeting held on 12 January 2011 pdf icon PDF 63 KB


The Minutes of the previous meeting held on 12 January 2011 were approved as a true and correct record.



Matters arising:


Tommy Keay reported that he had attended a meeting at Dunadd Community Council to discuss issues regarding their water supply.  Subsequently, a Strathclyde Fire and Rescue operative had inspected the water supply to the fire hydrants.  Scottish Water had provided a water tank with capacity for 60,000 litres of water to feed the fire hydrants.  This capacity more than meets the Building Regulations requirement of 45,000 litres.  Tommy stated that this would meet fire occurrence demands and provide 4 hours worth of water.   


Councillor Semple commented that the lack of representation from Community Councils would impact onto Item 11 of the Agenda.





Declarations of Interest


There were no Declarations of Interest.


Core Paths Plan, Argyll and Bute Council - Planning and Regulatory Services


The Group heard a presentation by Jolyon Gritten in regards to the Argyll and Bute Finalised Core Path Plan.  He reported that, to date, 46 comments had been received and the deadline was 4 April 2011.  After this there would be a 12 week period whereby objections could be reviewed and considered.


Councillor Currie enquired on the procedure for responses from the Islands and local Community Councils and if there was budget provision for Core Paths.  Jolyon replied that, if requested, he would visit the Islands and meet with relevant Community Councils.  In regards to the budget, there was sufficient means for Core Paths and Public access.  However, not enough for future development or improvements.  Local communities did not have the capacity to take this further.  The Coast and Countryside Trust provided consultancy advice, but did not contribute towards maintenance costs.  Jolyon commented that he hoped the Scottish Government would overview this and allocate some grant funding.


Councillor Philand asked if the responses received were indicative of a good degree of interest.  Jolyon stated that routinely more responses were generated in the last few weeks of the consultation. 


The Chair enquired if leaflets would be produced and distributed providing relevant information on the Core Paths.  Jolyon informed the group that the next edition of the Ordnance Survey maps would include Core Paths.


Renewables - Argyll and Bute Council, Economic Development


Eileen Wilson provided a brief update to the group and detailed a forthcoming seminar - Offshore Renewable Developments Consultation – which was scheduled for 9 March – 1.30p.m. in the Council Chambers, Kilmory.


The seminar would afford attendees the opportunity to question key developers on the existing transmission network in Argyll and Bute and future proposals.



Video Conferencing - Argyll and Bute Council, Customer and Support Services pdf icon PDF 74 KB


Gavin Boyd informed the group of current video conferencing facilities and plans for new initiatives.


Councillor Semple raised the following questions in relation to video conferencing:


Q         In regards to public access, what was the feasibility of screening live meetings?

A          Gavin replied that this was possible in theory.  However, there were cost issues and public access to the Internet.


Q         Would the exorbitant cost of attendees travelling to and from meetings, necessitate a protocol being established to ensure staff utilised VC facilities?

A          IT were extremely conscious of the travel costs and impact onto time for staff travelling to meetings across Argyll and Bute.  However, IT could not instigate a protocol to make staff use VC facilities.


Q         Could better use be made of harnessing and sharing partners VC facilities?

A          In some areas this would be feasible.  However, the NHS were not centralised and this would be difficult to undertake.


Q         Members laptops did not have built-in cameras.  How would the new initiative for VC be  resolved?

A          IT would provide webcams for their use.


Q         Could IT provide equipment to enable Members to conduct ‘on-line’ surgeries with constituents in out-lying areas and islands?

A          IT could develop over time a system to accommodate this.  However, it would necessitate a ‘bridge’ to network with other organisations and this would require expertise and new technology.   


Councillor Colville reiterated the need for the Council to remind local communities of

VC facilities in their area.


           Councillor Horn detailed problems she had on occasions in accessing the VC facility

            In Tarbert.  Shirley MacLeod would investigate this issue.


The Chair thanked Gavin for his report which the group agreed to note.          


MAKI Local Community Plan update - Argyll and Bute Council, Governance and Law


Shirley MacLeod stated that due to the lack of Community Council representation, the group could discuss this issue but no formal decision could be undertaken.  She would make contact with group members in regards to the meeting venue for the May LACPG scheduled for 11 May on Colonsay.  


LACPG Scorecard - Argyll and Bute Council, Improvement and Strategic HR


Mike Johnston showed the group an example of a scorecard reflecting issues and performance indicators for the MAKI area.


Shirley reported that she was meeting later in the month with Mike to agree key references/measures which would be inserted onto the scorecard.  As such, a revised scorecard would come to the LACPG meeting in May for further discussion and agreement.


Operation of Integrated Care Teams relevant to MAKI Area - NHS Highland


A late apology was received from Christina West. NHS Highland.


Demonstration of new Council Website - Argyll and Bute Council, Improvement and Strategic HR


Eileen Wilson gave a Powerpoint presentation to the group detailing changes and easy access of the site.


Additional information and updates to be sent to Eileen Wilson.


Rationalisation / Partnership Linkages to Local Area Community Planning Group - Argyll and Bute Council, Governance and Law pdf icon PDF 227 KB

Additional documents:


Shirley informed group members that the document was an initial attempt to rationalise attendance at meetings.  Each area with Argyll and Bute, would need to tailor the document to fit its own needs.  The document would remain a standing Agenda item to be reviewed and progressed at subsequent meetings.


She stated that the Executive Director of Customer Services was in the process of reviewing governance arrangements.  A report would be forthcoming for Members to decide on.  


Consultation Diary - Argyll and Bute Council, Improvement and Strategic HR


Eileen stated that responses in regards the Consultation Diary were extremely poor.  The ethos of the Diary was to record consultations undertaken and proposed by local communities. She suggested that the Diary be sent out again to Community Councils and partners.


Eileen also informed the group of the Public Service Improvement Framework (PSIF).  This was a model to enable self-assessment and would be disseminated to the group members.  Upon completion, the form should be returned to Eileen Wilson.  She would forward the form with guidance notes to Theresa McLetchie.


MAKI Local Area Community Planning Group Area Plan - Argyll and Bute Council, Governance and Law pdf icon PDF 238 KB

Additional documents:


The group discussed the MAKI Area Plan which had been updated with information received from lead officers on the status of relevant projects.