Agenda and minutes

Bute Community Safety Forum - Friday, 2 May 2014 10:15 am

Venue: Eaglesham House, Rothesay

Contact: Danielle Finlay, Area Governance Assistant - 01631 567945 

No. Item





Apologies for absence were received from:-


Alison Black, Argyll & Bute Rape Crisis

Ellen Cromack, Chairman Bute Rural Community Broadband Group


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Bute Community Safety Forum – 24th January 2014



The Minutes of the Bute Community Safety Forum held on 24th January 2014 were approved as a correct record.







The Area Governance Officer updated the Forum on mail leafleting costs for sending out information on no cold calling.


He advised that Royal Mail have changed their costs and he will come back to a future meeting with finalised information when he has heard back from Royal Mail.


Councillor Scoullar agreed to approach the local branch of army cadets and Guides about doing a leaflet drop and enquire about an appropriate donation to raise money for funding and report back to the next meeting.







David Wilkinson from Police Scotland updated the Forum on the most recent figures for this financial quarter.  He advised that there have been 109 crime offences, 42 of which remain undetected.  There have been a number of drug offences including “intent to supply”, 5 search warrants for controlled substances and no serious assaults since the last meeting.


He reported to the Forum on the fatality that happened on the island on 6th April and advised there were no other vehicles involved.


David informed the Forum on the project PC Smith carried out back in March where they gave a presentation called ‘who are you’ giving an invitation to all the licence holders in the area.  The purpose of the project was to prevent violence in pubs.  David advised that very positive feedback has been received on this project.


He also advised that the police will be conducting Operation Myriad in May which a will be a month of activities specifically to targeting alcohol, Anti-Social Behaviour, Drug, and  Traffic Offences etc.,  and that an action plan is currently being drawn up to take this forward.


He updated the Forum on the ‘I am me’ project which will be carried out in schools by Trish Collins in August to help children, particularly those vulnerable either because of Physical disability of those who may be more vulnerable because of the effects of Mental health issues,   to create safe places and groups to raise awareness and to provide people to talk to.





Alex Purdie, the new Local Authority Liaison Officer for Scottish Fire and Rescue introduced himself to the Forum and informed everyone of his role and potential contribution to the group.


He advised the group that there has been a reduction in accidental dwelling fires from 4 to 3 in the last quarter, along with a reduction in chimney fires from 4 to 2.


He informed that there has been an increase in manual fire alarms but assured the group that this might not be a bad thing since it may be due to people evacuating buildings rather than risking combating dangerous situations.


Alex updated the Forum on the Bikers Breakfast that is taking place in Inveraray in June and asked the Forum to spread the word and invite people along.


He advised that there is an actors group set up called “Home Sweet Home” that could  be deliver Community safety based plays in the area if the local community want them to come.  For the exercise to be worthwhile, at least three groups per day are necessary to provide morning, matinee and evening performances. This has a cost of approximately £600, for which funding may be available.


Alex updated the Forum on the pilot project which is currently being run with Social Work for high risk referrals.  He advised there have currently been 140 referrals that have been carried out along with home visits.





Environmental Health


Richard Gorman informed the Forum that Police Scotland and Anti-Social Behaviour have been dealing with noise issues positively and that this has been reasonably quiet the last few couple of months.


He advised that they have been currently looking into gas safety in catering premises to inspect all appliances they are using for cooking as there are a very few gas companies available on the island to carry this out.  Alex Purdie advised that Scottish Fire and Rescue have an interest in this and that they would engage when possible with Environmental Health.


He updated the Forum on the new Property Action Group which has been set up to look at the condition of buildings that are falling down and not maintained.  He advised that the next meeting will be held on 27th May.


Amenity Services


James Ferguson advised the Forum of his new change in title which is now an Amenity Services Enforcement Officer.


He updated the Group on the plans for the Decriminalisation of Parking which is commencing in each area in Argyll and Bute on Monday 12th May and that the first 4 weeks will be a warning followed by a £60 fine thereafter.  He advised that they have a target of 5 tickets a day to meet.

Councillor Scoullar raised a concern in regard to the problem with the lining on the roads in Bute and that this should be fixed before 12th May, otherwise ticket may not be enforceable    Inspector Robertson asked James to liaise with Police Scotland on this.


Anti-Social Behaviour


Robert Cowper updated the Forum on the Anti-Social Behaviour Group, advising that it is well supported by partners and that the next meeting will be held on 9th May.


He advised that their case level is 10, with 5 being carried over from the previous period.  These are recurring because of addiction and violence related problems.  He assured the Forum that the partnership is managing this in the best way possible.  He further advised that the 5 other cases have 2 resolved cases subsequent to actions and the last 3 are to be discussed at the meeting on 9th May.



Presentation by Tracy Preece, Choose Life



Tracy Preece from Choose Life introduced herself to the forum and spoke on the Argyll and Bute suicide prevention strategy.  She advised that the strategy was launched in 2002 after recorded suicide deaths increased, Tracy highlighted that in 2012, there were 762 suicides in Scotland and 174 road fatalities which meant there was a substantially higher number of suicides than fatal car accidents. 9 of the suicides were in Argyll, which statistically is a population appropriate number.  Tracy highlighted that in most cases a considerable number of people were affected by each death which meant that many of us would be directly affected.  

She informed the forum of the Groups available to support and provide education and training to help people and asked the forum to consider how we take this forward in our area to help raise awareness.


Tracy highlighted the two main awareness raising courses currently on offer which are the “safetalk” and the “Assist” programmes.


Tracy agreed to come to a future Bute and Cowal Area Committee or other appropriate meeting, if invited.



Verbal update by Anti-Social Behaviour Co-ordinator



The Anti-Social Behaviour Coordinator gave a brief update on the progression of the Single Outcome Agreement in relation to Outcome 6 – People Live in Safer and Stronger Communities, noting that this work is being lead by Chief Superintendant Barry McEwan of Police Scotland.


He advised there was not a huge amount that has changed since his update at the previous meeting but advised a new Community Planning Group Manager had been appointed and they will have a view on this going forward.


He agreed to keep the group informed.





Woman’s Aid


Jan Byrne updated the Forum on the refuse for woman/children for domestic violence.  She advised that there are currently 9 families that can be housed in Bute and she is here to support women who have experienced trauma.  She explained that it is hard for Woman’s Aid to access funds but a London Charity has helped them out recently and they are continuing to look for funding to keep the group going.  She advised her referrals come through Social Work, Police Scotland and also online Council referrals.





The Group agreed to hold the next Bute Community Safety Forums on Friday 15th August at 10:15am and Friday 14th November at 10:15am both in Eaglesham House, Rothesay.