Agenda and minutes

Special Meeting, Argyll and Bute Council - Monday, 15 April 2024 10:30 am

Venue: by Microsoft Teams

Contact: Hazel MacInnes Tel:01546 604269 


No. Item



Additional documents:


There were no apologies for absence intimated.



Additional documents:


There were no declarations of interest intimated.



Report by Section 95 Officer

Additional documents:


The Council gave consideration to a report providing information on additional funding for financial year 2024-25 provided by the Scottish Government, and as a result, inviting the Council to re-consider the previous decision in relation to Council Tax rates for 2024-25.




Agree the recommendations in paragraphs 3.1.(a) to (d), note the advice from the Chief Financial Officer in regard to the level of Council Tax for 2025-26 and agree that advice, updated as appropriate in the course of this financial year will be part of Members’ considerations in setting the Revenue Budget and Council Tax for 2025-26. 


Moved by Councillor Jim Lynch, seconded by Councillor Audrey Forrest.




Agree the recommendations at a) to d) per the report with the addition of the following:


e) Note the financial modelling in the report and request that officers continue to develop budget outlook and projections for 2025/2026 and beyond, using a range of scenarios and estimates for income (including council tax) and expenditure, with members regularly updated.


f) Commends the dedication, hard work and resilience of the former Council Leader, Robin Currie and his ‘TALIG’ administration in successfully securing extra money from the Scottish Government.


g) Request the new Council Leader write to the First Minister in the following terms:


i)       To thank his government and ministers for their engagement post 22 February 2024 and the subsequent additional money provided to Argyll and Bute Council, allowing us to freeze the council tax today.

ii)     To reiterate our support that the Verity House agreement be upheld and respected by the Scottish Government, in that there is mutual respect between national and local government; the default position is no ringfencing of resources; and that council budgets and council tax are determined by local government.

iii)    That the Scottish Government engages with COSLA to ensure there is full funding for local government services that are communities rely upon, and there is no further unilateral council tax freeze or caps applied in the life of this parliament.


Moved by Councillor Gary Mulvaney, seconded by Councillor Yvonne McNeilly.

As the meeting was being held on a remote basis, the vote required to be taken by calling the roll, and Members voted as follows –


Motion                                                 Amendment


Councillor John Armour                         Councillor Garret Corner

Councillor Gordon Blair                          Councillor Maurice Corry

Councillor Jan Brown                             Councillor Robin Currie

Councillor Math Campbell Sturgess        Councillor Amanda Hampsey

Councillor Audrey Forrest                      Councillor Daniel Hampsey

Councillor Kieron Green                        Councillor Graham Hardie

Councillor Fiona Howard                        Councillor Paul Donald Kennedy

Councillor Willie Hume                           Councillor Liz McCabe

Councillor Mark Irvine                            Councillor Yvonne McNeilly

Councillor Andrew Kain                          Councillor Ross Moreland

Councillor Jennifer Kelly                        Councillor Gary Mulvaney

Councillor Reeni Kennedy Boyle            Councillor Gemma Penfold

Councillor Jim Lynch                             Councillor Alastair Redman

Councillor Luna Martin                           Councillor Willaim Sinclair

Councillor Tommy MacPherson              Councillor Andrew Vennard

Councillor Ian James McQuire               Councillor Peter Wallace

Councillor Dougie McFadzean

Councillor Julie McKenzie

Councillor Ian Shonny Paterson

Councillor Dougie Philand




The Motion was carried by 20 votes to 16 and the Council resolved accordingly.


(Reference: Report by Section 95 Officer dated 8 April 2024, submitted)