Issue - meetings


Meeting: 28/08/2015 - Oban Lorn & the Isles Community Safety Forum (Item 3)





Environmental Health


No report


Children and Families


Pamela Hoey explained that Children and Families in Oban area support children who are in residential care at Shellach View, they oversee the adoption and fostering for the whole of Argyll and Bute and child protection.


At the moment there are 39 looked after children. The breakdown figures for these are:-


4 in Argyll and Bute Residential Houses

7 in Foster Care

10 in Kinship Care

2 on External Placements

16 – Looked after at home.


There are presently 2 children on the Child Protection Register.


Shellach View recently had an inspection by the Care Commission where they scored 5, which was a positive result.


Meeting: 29/05/2015 - Oban Lorn & the Isles Community Safety Forum (Item 3)





Environmental Health


Iain MacKinnon advised that his team are stretched at the moment as there are 4 vacant posts within the department.  Argyll and Bute Council are in very early discussions with Highland Council over working together as both areas are very similar with regards to working practices.


Civic Government Licences are due for renewal at the end of June, Houses of Multiple Occupation have now been removed from civic government legislation and have fallen under the remit of housing services, and this will entail environmental health carrying out joint visits with the fire service to these establishments.


Skerryvore event is on at Mossfield Park Saturday 30th May, environmental health have been working closely with the event operators, 5500 tickets have been sold with a further 500 available at the gate on the day.  Traffic controls will be in place as of 29th May this, Mossfield Avenue will be closed off all of Saturday, where only residents will be allowed through.  The event will finish at 11.30pm, bars and music finishing at 11pm.


The Tiree Music Festival plans are well underway, this involves a multi-agency approach.


The Lorn Event Safety Team is hoping to extend across Argyll and Bute with set standards and guidelines, this will involve a Strategic Team and an Operation Team, and a proposal has gone to the Community Planning Partnership for approval.


Animal Health and Welfare and Trading Standards work alongside Environmental Health.  Trading Standards are working on a Trusted Builders Service initiative at the moment, where local builders who have the correct credentials will be given a Local Authority Logo to put on their vehicles so that the public know they are reputable and have had the proper checks.


Animal Health and Welfare work closely with the SSPCA and at the moment have an issue with imported rescue dogs, which have been brought to the country, although not through the proper channels, 2 dogs have been impounded and will remain impounded for up to 3 months.


Horses/Ponies will require passports/movement papers under EU Regulations and Scottish Regulations.


Meeting: 25/02/2015 - Oban Lorn & the Isles Community Safety Forum (Item 3)





Road Safety


June Graham, the Council’s Road Safety Officer gave an update on the cycle training which they have undertaken at St Columba Salen Primary Schools and also Pedestrian Training delivered at Park Primary School.


She advised that the Scottish Biker Magazine has just been published with 10,000 copies printed and 4,000 of these copies would be coming to Argyll and Bute.


She confirmed that adult cycling training would be starting soon in Oban with 4 week sessions.


The Chair thanked the Road Safety Officer for all her hard work at Rockfield Primary School following the incident last year and is pleased to see that railings have been put up to help stop this  happening in the future.


The Forum had a discussion on the cycle route from Ganavan to Dunbeg and the Chair asked who deals with the maintenance of this route.  The Road Safety Officer agreed to look into this and let him know.


Meeting: 26/11/2014 - Oban Lorn & the Isles Community Safety Forum (Item 3)





Road Safety


The Chair gave an update on behalf of the Road Safety department.  He advised that Roads and Amenity Services carried out footway improvements and extended the barriers outside of Oban Joint Campus following concerns from the School and Parent Council.


He updated on the Road Safety Programme which Rockfield Primary have been involved in from early years to primary 7.


He advised that car seat clinics were carried out in Oban recently and these are organised in conjunction with Road Safety Scotland who provide experts to check and fit any car seats.


The Chair gave an update on the pedestrian training which is a initiative with schools signing up annually as a 3 week training programme involving practical training using the road networks near the school and training for this has taken place in Rockfield and Barcaldine with Park Primary School due to take part next session.


He advised that two members of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service in Oban, along with the Road Safety Unit provided a young driver initiative to all pupils in 6th Year at Oban High School and feedback so far has been positive and it is hoped that this could be repeated in other secondary schools in Argyll and Bute if resources allow.


The Chair finished off by updating the Forum on the iCycle scheme where training has been undertaken at Dunbeg, Rockfield, Lochnell, Salen, Easdale, Dervaig, Taynuilt, St Columbas and Lochdonhead Primary Schools.


Environmental Health


The Environmental Health Officer gave an update on the new legislation food information for consumer’s regulations 2014 which will change labelling for all business, not just manufacturers for identifying allergens in food which will also appear in pubs and restaurants.


She updated the Forum on all the upcoming events and advised the fireworks were a success.


She advised that the food standards agency will be providing information on how to cook your turkey properly for the festive season.


A matter was raised about ducks on the road at Pennyfuir and the danger to road users which is the potential cause of an accident. They were referred to Environmental Health.



Meeting: 27/08/2014 - Oban Lorn & the Isles Community Safety Forum (Item 3)





Environmental Health


The Environmental Health Officer  gave an update on the action taken by the service in relation to food safety including legal action against a premise which had failed to meet appropriate standards. She also updated on Gas Safety checks in catering premises and scrutiny of Gas certificates.


She advised that Environmental Health are now carrying out inspections at public events and they will be in attendance at the Argyllshire Gathering Games on Thursday 28th August at Mossfield.


She reported on the dedicated team of officers for controlled samples that are currently looking into shellfish and they have put signs in place to let people know there is a problem with high levels for PSP.


She advised the Forum on action to reduce and prevent that the risk of Legionella in spa baths and Jacuzzis in hotels.


She advised that there are still private water grants available for £800 per property.


Meeting: 15/08/2014 - Bute Community Safety Forum (Item 4)




Environmental Health


Richard Gorman advised that anti social noise nuisance behaviour features significantly in complaints to the service and they continue to work with Police Scotland initially to deal with the problems as well as with other agencies such as Fyne Homes and ACHA.



He reported on action taken by the service in relation to food safety including legal action against a premise which had failed to meet appropriate standards. Scottish Fire and Rescue during the prosecution to provide fire safety advice.


Richard Gorman reported to the Forum on Gas Safety checks in catering premises and scrutiny of Gas certificates. He highlighted the importance of this as in Rothesay there are occupied flats above many of the catering premises.


He advised the Forum on action to reduce and prevent that the risk of Legionella in spa baths and Jacuzzis.


In response to a question asked by Alex Purdie on how involved Scottish Fire and Rescue had been is the prosecution case, Richard Gorman advised that he had contacted Sandy McLean from Dunoon to advise the owner of the premises how Gas should be safely stored. Alex Purdie highlighted how important it is that sharing of information occurs been all the agencies in the area and emphasised the importance of identifying a successful way of sharing this information. He advised that Scottish Fire and Rescue will carry out fire safety checks on all food premises that have people living above them.


Richard Gorman advised that Patrick Mackie, Environmental Health Officer, is currently working on a protocol on information sharing between agencies.


The Forum discussed if premises that are built under flats, which were built with the intention of being offices or shops become hot food takeaways, if there is a requirement for a change of use application to be submitted to building standards. Richard Gorman advised that he will speak to Billy Dickson from Building Standards and report back to the next meeting of the Forum.


Anti-Social Behaviour


Robert Cowper advised that the Anti-Social Behaviour Sub Group is continuing to meet on a regular basis and the next meeting is in October. He advised that there had been no increase in complaints and although four or five cases had been resolved these had been replaced by new cases. He advised that the partners continue to be supportive.  


He reported to the Forum that the Cashback for Communities Youth Work programme had received applications from 11 organisations from across Argyll and Bute and seven of these had been successful.  He advised that the programme, which is administered by Youth Link Scotland, provides small grants to youth work services to support delivery of social and personal development activities for young people.


In a response to how often the fund is allocated, Robert Cowper advised that it is a Scottish Government initiative. Applications are made direct to Youth Link Scotland and are assessed against designated criteria for the fund.



Meeting: 26/05/2014 - Oban Lorn & the Isles Community Safety Forum (Item 4)




The Chair noted that the “Employment of Children” by-laws are to receive a “soft re-launch”  in that the Environmental Health service were seeing a significant number of young people between fourteen and sixteen ,who were undertaking paid employment outside family businesses , without having the appropriate permit.

The purpose of the permit is not to restrict young peoples activities, but to provide evidence that, the young person’s parents, school, and the council are content that working will not damage the child’s education and that they are only undertaking age appropriate work.



Meeting: 02/05/2014 - Bute Community Safety Forum (Item 4)





Environmental Health


Richard Gorman informed the Forum that Police Scotland and Anti-Social Behaviour have been dealing with noise issues positively and that this has been reasonably quiet the last few couple of months.


He advised that they have been currently looking into gas safety in catering premises to inspect all appliances they are using for cooking as there are a very few gas companies available on the island to carry this out.  Alex Purdie advised that Scottish Fire and Rescue have an interest in this and that they would engage when possible with Environmental Health.


He updated the Forum on the new Property Action Group which has been set up to look at the condition of buildings that are falling down and not maintained.  He advised that the next meeting will be held on 27th May.


Amenity Services


James Ferguson advised the Forum of his new change in title which is now an Amenity Services Enforcement Officer.


He updated the Group on the plans for the Decriminalisation of Parking which is commencing in each area in Argyll and Bute on Monday 12th May and that the first 4 weeks will be a warning followed by a £60 fine thereafter.  He advised that they have a target of 5 tickets a day to meet.

Councillor Scoullar raised a concern in regard to the problem with the lining on the roads in Bute and that this should be fixed before 12th May, otherwise ticket may not be enforceable    Inspector Robertson asked James to liaise with Police Scotland on this.


Anti-Social Behaviour


Robert Cowper updated the Forum on the Anti-Social Behaviour Group, advising that it is well supported by partners and that the next meeting will be held on 9th May.


He advised that their case level is 10, with 5 being carried over from the previous period.  These are recurring because of addiction and violence related problems.  He assured the Forum that the partnership is managing this in the best way possible.  He further advised that the 5 other cases have 2 resolved cases subsequent to actions and the last 3 are to be discussed at the meeting on 9th May.
