Issue - meetings

John Logie Baird Innovation Centre for Helensburgh

Meeting: 08/04/2014 - Helensburgh & Lomond Area Committee (Item 12)

John Logie Baird Innovation Centre for Helensburgh

Verbal update by Economic Development Manager



Members considered a verbal update in regards to the Innovation Centre for Helensburgh.  The Economic Development Manager advised that discussion had taken place with Scottish Enterprise into the possibility of building a new innovation centre, however they confirmed that they do not build bespoke buildings anymore.  She advised that they had agreed to undertake a feasibility study, and contribute £3,000 for this.  Discussion took place over the true cost of a feasibility study and Members agreed that the Head of Economic Development and Strategic Transport should feedback to Scottish Enterprise that the Area Committee are not happy with the £3,000 contribution and that they wish to widen the discussion to see what Scottish Enterprise are doing in support of other areas of EDAP and wider economic regeneration in the Helensburgh Lomond area. 


Further discussion was had in relation to the possibility of using another Council building, such as the Municipal Chambers for this purpose. 


Ishabel Bremner explained that she would ensure that all options are explored and covered in the brief. 




Members agreed to note the update. 

