Issue - meetings

Proposed Argyll & Bute Development Plan

Meeting: 04/12/2012 - Bute and Cowal Area Committee (Item 10)

10 Proposed Argyll & Bute Local Development Plan pdf icon PDF 87 KB


Additional documents:


Members heard from the Planning/Development Officer and the Statutory Planning Officer on the main elements of the Proposed Argyll and Bute Local Development Plan with particular reference to land use issues within the area.




The Committee:-


i.                     Agreed to recommend to the Council that it approves the Proposed Argyll and Bute Local Development Plan, with Appendices A (Written Statement), B (Supplementary Guidance) and C (Bute and Cowal Proposals Maps) subject to any changes they require to be made for a 3 month period of public consultation commencing in mid-January 2013.

ii.                   Agreed to change the status of the land North West of Ardair, Colintraive from Countryside Around Settlement to Settlement Area.


(Reference: Report by the Development Policy Manager – submitted)
