Issue - meetings


Meeting: 31/08/2012 - Kintyre Initiative Partnership (Item 5)




Chris Haran informed the group of correspondence which had been sent to both Alex Neil and Michael Russell in regards the lack of sustainable mobile phone signal in Southend.  A response had been received from Michael Russell, but nothing as yet from Alex Neil.

The Chair stated that he was fully aware of this problem and of an approach made to HIE for funding to alleviate the problem.

Alan Reid informed the group that the UK Government was responsible for electoral communications; the previous Government had sold the spectrum to mobile phone companies.  Under the terms of the licence, conditions of provision were not universal.  He had written to Jeremy Hunt on this issue.


Councillor Semple made the suggestion of initiating a campaign directed at the mobile phone companies to pressurise them into providing a suitable and adequate service in the area in question.


Action: It was agreed that David Rodger would bring a report to the next KIWG meeting on this issue, that the KIWG would also write to Jeremy Hunt and that contact would be made with Vodafone to  investigate provision of signal boosters



Meeting: 29/06/2012 - Kintyre Initiative Partnership (Item 6)




The Chair welcomed Chris Haran to the meeting.  Jim Martin enquired on the status of the modernisation of the Creamery in Campbeltown.  Chris replied that a further meeting was scheduled next week with producers when more would be known.


Action: It was agreed that a letter be written to enquire on  the   status of the modernisation at the Creamery.  Contact would be made with the First Milk representative to ascertain the best point of contact.




Meeting: 27/04/2012 - Kintyre Initiative Partnership (Item 5)




There were no represetnatives or reports received on this item.  


Meeting: 26/08/2011 - Kintyre Initiative Partnership (Item 5)




            Fergus Younger provided a written report for the meeting.



q       Lamb Groups

It had been a challenging period for groups with the live trade being so high.  Groups will need to renegotiate with their partners to be able to compete with the live auction. Islay Lamb currently sending trial lambs to a central belt butcher wholesaler. Argyll Hill Lamb will take part in their 2nd trade show this November in Lochaber working through Fortieths. AHL website soon to go live.


q       Argyll Food Producers – Food from Argyll

Group attending 12 large events this year, events are slightly down this year –numbers and spend.  Some good media coverage from events, and a steady flow of associate members using the brand.


q       Argyll Abattoirs
 Mull now open again sharing slaughter man with Islay and receiving some initial butchery help from the ex Arran slaughter/butcher man. Helped secure funds from council and the Noble trust, facility also successful with a Princes Countryside Trust application. 
Islay open meeting held on the 2nd August, 9 now on the working group. Further negotiations with the Abattoir owners will be held this month. 
Arran - facility is likely to close as it has been sold to new owners and they appear to be likely to run it as a shop only.


q       Transnational approach to Forum work

Forum successful in their Leader bid to secure funding for a transnational cooperation project – Taste of Rural Europe. Delayed start due to partner problems, agreement currently being ratified by Polish partner. This project will allow development funds for: Regional Food Labelling, linking Hospitality to Local products, engaging young people, red meat processing training, regional food promotion, developing new products and new media marketing.


Forum unsuccessful in joint bid with UHI to the Northern Periphery Programme project for WOODSWORC a farm woodland collaboration project to link farming and forestry.  Now working on a farm woodland collaboration project focussed on North Kintyre area, addressing new planting, invasive species, wood fuel and unproductive small scale woodlands.



q       Argyll and Isles Strategic Tourism Partnership

Helping support this group to adopt an Argyll brand developed through the Argyll food producers as an umbrella brand for the region and working towards Tourism Expo 2012


q       Dairy

Working to support First Milk and SAC to deliver a home grown fodder trans-regional project between Kintyre, Pembrokeshire and Cumbria.  Overall aim is to improve milk quality going into each plant, reduce farmer input costs and improve the long term sustainability of each area.


q       Forum Website

Currently being reviewed to be a more user friendly site.


q       SAOS hosting of Development Manger

Arrangement is working well, useful crossovers with other areas being developed.





