Decision details


Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


That members of the Council :-


1.    Note that Dunoon Pier is an A listed structure which is recorded in Historic Scotland’s Buildings at Risk Register;

2.    Note that Dunoon Pier Project forms part of the Council’s wider Dunoon Waterfront Project and that the works are currently ongoing in relation to Phase 1 on the redevelopment programme;

3.    Note that there is currently no business case, budget or implementation programme for the Phase 2 works;

4.    Note that the Council does not currently consider the wooden pier in Dunoon to be surplus to its requirements, is not listed on the Council’s surplus property list and therefore is not currently considering any form of third sector asset transfer;

5.    Note the advice in the report that there is a potential for conflict of interest in the event that members of the Dunoon Pier Community Trust (DPCT) are appointed to a sub-committee which may have the responsibility of appraising a third sector asset transfer;

6.    Note the decision of the Bute and Cowal Area Committee at their meeting held on 7th April 2015;

7.    Agree to promote a partnership arrangement between the Bute and Cowal Area Committee and the Dunoon Pier Community Trust or with such other organisations or groups as may be identified as having a relevant interest in the future of Dunoon Pier and associated matters;

8.    Agrees that the partnership will consist of three members appointed from the Bute and Cowal Area Committee and three representatives from the DPCT, or any other organisation or group identified as having a relevant interest in the future of Dunoon Pier;

9.    Agrees to the following terms of reference for the partnership:

a.    The purpose of the partnership is to identify issues and work towards solutions for the future of Dunoon Pier and to promote the pier buildings as an asset for the people and communities of Dunoon and Cowal to the benefit of the economic, cultural and leisure life of the area.

b.    The partnership will be chaired with the chair being appointed by the full Council.

c.    The partnership may invite attendance from subject matter experts as required by the agenda to support the development of the partnership.

d.    The partnership should meet quarterly, on a schedule to be agreed at the first partnership meeting.

e.    The partnership is an advisory group and is not responsible for policy making for any of the constituent partner organisations.

f.        The minute of the partnership will be published within 20 working days of each meeting with a draft agenda circulated to the attendees five working days ahead of each meeting.

Publication date: 30/06/2015

Date of decision: 25/06/2015

Decided at meeting: 25/06/2015 - Argyll and Bute Council

Accompanying Documents: