Decision details


Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


A report inviting the council to give final approval to the reorganisation of a number of charitable trust funds was considered.  This would ensure that the funds of the registered charities could be used more effectively and to allow the trusts to achieve their objectives.




The Council –


1.      Gave authority to make payment to the recipient charities as detailed and have the trusts wound up and removed from the OSCR register namely:-


  • James H Hall Bequest SC025066. Approved the payment of the remaining funds to David Andrew Greenlees Trust SC025066 and then to wind up the Trust and remove it from the OSCR register.
  • John Paterson Bequest SC025066. Approved the payment of the remaining funds to David Andrew Greenlees Trust SC025066 and then to wind up the Trust and remove it from the OSCR register.
  • Fleming Bequest SC025066. Approved the payment of the remaining funds to Kintyre Forum on Community Care SC023331 on the basis the funds will be used for the relief of those suffering ill health or disability and then wind up the Trust and remove it from the OSRC register.
  • Miss Ann MacLean Trust SC025066. Approved the payment of the remaining funds to Moving On Mid Argyll (MOMA) SC041901 and then to wind up the trust and remove it from the OSCR register.


2.      For the Miss Evangeline MacDonald Trust SC025066 and Miss Catherine McCaig Trust SC025066 where members agreed to apply to OSCR to reorganise by transferring all the funds held to Oban Charitable Trust SC017747; agreed instead to apply to OSCR to transfer the funds to the  Hope Kitchen in Oban SC041770 as detailed in Appendix 1 of the report.


3.      In respect of the Misses MacGillvray Trust SC019593, agreed to apply to OSCR to reorganise by transferring all the funds held to the Hope Kitchen in Oban.


(Reference:  Report by Executive Director – Customer Services dated August 2014, submitted)


Publication date: 01/10/2014

Date of decision: 25/09/2014

Decided at meeting: 25/09/2014 - Argyll and Bute Council

Accompanying Documents: