Non - dependant deductions

Find out about non-dependent deductions from benefits.

A non-dependant is someone who lives with you as part of your family but is not your partner. Examples of non-dependants are adult sons and daughters, elderly relatives or friends. Boarders, sub-tenants and joint tenants are not usually classed as non-dependants. Normally, we take a certain amount off your weekly Housing or Council Tax Reduction for each non-dependant who lives with you. This amount is called a non-dependant deduction. The amount we take off your benefit depends on the circumstances of the non-dependant and how much income they get.

Housing Benefit

Housing Benefit Deduction
Income Type Deduction
In receipt of Pension Credit        
In receipt of Main Phase ESA(IR)   
£ 14.15
Not in receipt of Main Phase ESA(IR)   

Aged 25 or over and on IS/JSA(IB) or aged 18 or over

and not working  

£ 14.15 
Working – aged 18 and over  
Gross income less than £128.00 per week   
£ 14.15
Gross income between £128.00 and £187.99 per week 
£ 32.45
Gross income between £188.00 and £244.99 per week  
£ 44.55  
Gross income between £245.00 and £325.99 per week 
£ 72.95 
Gross income between £326.00 and £405.99 per week 
£ 83.05
Gross income more than £406.00 per week 
£ 91.15

Council Tax Reduction

Council Tax Reduction Deduction
Income Type Deduction
In receipt of Pension Credit, IS, JSA(IB) or ESA(IR) Nil
18 and over – not working £  3.75
Working – aged 18 and over  
Gross income less than £188.00 per week     
£   3.75
Gross income between £188.00 and £325.99    
£   7.50
Gross income between £326.00 and £405.99         
£   9.50
Gross income more than £406.00 per week   
£ 11.35 
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